Our season average currently sits at 5,648, which is good for 8th in the country behind Lsu, Ms St, Arky, OM, t.u., UofSC, and UF.
Previous seasons:
2023 - 5,577
2022 - 5,547
2021 - 1,474 (Covid Restrictions)
2020 - 4,695 (only 14 games)
2019 - 4,926
2018 - 5,026
With SEC weekends and regionals (ideally) coming, maybe we can push for a 6K average. We'd need to be around 6,185 the rest of the way to reach it. With crowds like last night, I don't see why not. Maybe that's the push the leadership in the AD needs to see to help move around the renovation plans.
Previous seasons:
2023 - 5,577
2022 - 5,547
2021 - 1,474 (Covid Restrictions)
2020 - 4,695 (only 14 games)
2019 - 4,926
2018 - 5,026
With SEC weekends and regionals (ideally) coming, maybe we can push for a 6K average. We'd need to be around 6,185 the rest of the way to reach it. With crowds like last night, I don't see why not. Maybe that's the push the leadership in the AD needs to see to help move around the renovation plans.