TexasRebel said:
I was looking at the 99.899999999999997%
I guess maybe deleted posts still count toward the total but aren't classified as existing.
The term precision refers to the number of significant digits being claimed by a result. Usually it's no more than the least number of digits in the factors of the calculation in division.
With a numerator of 5 base ten digits and a denominator of 6 base ten digits there would be about five significant digits which would be roughly two to the left of a percentage and three to the right. Showing more than that is a mathematical, scientific, & statistical faux pas.
The reason it is happening is my comment on the representing a base ten decimal, especially ending in three or six or nine (such as 0.3, 0.6, or 0.9) as a binary fraction with a series of base 2 fractions for example 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and so forth similar to the 1/10 digit, 1/100 digit, and 1/1000 digit in a base ten decimal to the right of the ones and 1/10ths separator.
With a divisible by the three there is always a carry bit. In fact the only reason your baseball/softball post percentage ends in an eight is because the mantissa has a limited number of digits and the last place effectively truncates to an 8 when converted back to decimal representation.
Sorry for geeking. Just an interesting cause that most non-comp sci folks don't recognize unless they are math majors who have spent some time on different number bases. Oddly enough I figured this out on my own in fifth grade when we were introduced to different numerical bases. And no one should feel badly if this seems weird or useless. But it also comes up as part of handling money represented with floating points and doing avionics software calcs. I presume everyone here prefers both to be correct???