the tasting was awesome. i felt like a child in that place though... there were probably over 30 outfits there w/ 1 to 3 bottles each. not being entirely familiar with bordeaux, it got overwhelming very quickly. we've been spending more time with our Rhone blends, so the flavor profiles were quite the whipsaw... among the standouts were domaine du chevalier and chateau talbot. i think we favored these the most b/c they were probably the most ready to drink of all of them.
i just dont know enough about long-age wines to be able to forecast what WILL be excellent. on the plus side, my wife's coworker that took us is a total wine nerd who's in the midst of his sommelier certification, so he was an incredible tour guide. that said, i've got a better idea now for whats what; but sad to say, i think a lot of the top notch stuff we tasted may have been lost on us
HOWEVER, i had my first sauternes and damn: that's gold in a bottle.