They said they same thing about RR13
Pumpernickel you say?MarathonAg12 said:
reedsterg said:
I know several of you have mentioned the Penelope Toasted. What is the consensus on that one? Worth the price? Has anyone compared the reg vs the store pick?
Irish 2.0 said:reedsterg said:
I know several of you have mentioned the Penelope Toasted. What is the consensus on that one? Worth the price? Has anyone compared the reg vs the store pick?
The closest comparison I'll give it is Michter's toasted. Much, much, much better than BH Toasted. But Penelope is actually readily available…for now.
trouble said:
I swear they just get high and write down whatever comes to them
Log into your SBS account. It is listed there.MarathonAg12 said:
So Harlen is pulling random numbers out of a barrel.
How do we know our number?
is there anything stopping someone from winning a barrel and then selling at a markup and pocketing the profit?MarathonAg12 said:
If I win, I wonder how much I could flip my entry for if it was a barrel of Stagg?