As i was finishing up my lunch I got a drop email from ABC. I just happened to be literally right next door to the store i frequent. Was the second person through the door and was excited based on posts i've seen of recent drops (Stagg, EHT SB, etc.). walk up to the register and they had McKenna 10 and a 1.75 of Buffalo Trace and only about a box of each behind the counter.
Of course it is just my luck that the one drop i am at the perfect spot to catch is the worst one I have seen. Typically it is 18 or so bottles each of around 4-6 different products. Granted I haven't seen a 1.75 bottle of Buffalo Trace in probably a decade but its still just Buffalo Trace. Grabbed a bottle of McKenna 10 and left.
Walking out of the store i was chatting with the guy in front of me who commented "I just bought something because i felt like i had to" to which i responded same. A couple of dudes walked in and immediately turned around, i'm guessing to try and see if another store close by had something different.