CT'97 said:
DevilD77 said:
The fact that he stated that if Trump had been planning military action against China he would have warned his Chinese counterpart is basically admitting he would have committed treason.
Were the back channel communications during the Cuban missile crisis also treason? Try reading up on the Able Archer incident and see how close we came to nuclear war in 83. I'm comfortable knowing that he wouldn't allow a surprise attack like we sustained at Pearl Harbor. Let Trump saber rattle and dick measure over how "big his button is." Milley did what needed to be done. He swore an oath to the constitution not Trump. His loyalty is the United States of America and it's people not an individual.
Back channel communications are key to our staying out of a conflict that would end all life on earth.
Can't blue star this enough.
Love how the Trumpets claimed to be very supportive of our military and troops, but as soon as it doesn't fit the narrative, they will trash the Army claiming that its woke and throw out comments like "what's the point of joining" or "were doomed". And most of these people have never spent a day in uniform and don't understand the brotherhood or camaraderie.
Had multiple people on F16 said I should have left the Army instead of receiving the Covid vaccine. I told them that I was 12 years into my active duty service, have a family to take care of and its how I put food on the table, yet they still called me woke and that I should go awol.
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