Wendy 1990 said:
There should be all three options for the kids - all male, all female, and intergrated. I don't see anything wrong with all male or all female outfits.
To your point, at work, in the Civilian world we have:
- All Male (except for India where the women actually do a lot of the work) - Engineering/Tech Support
- All Female - Marketing/HR
- Mixed/Integrated - Sales
But the reality in a Corps of Cadets situation is that you're just not going to have a high enough female participation rate to really make that strategy feasible.
I don't have the exact numbers but, based on observation, it would appear to me that:
If there are 2700 cadets in the Corps, there are probably 12% females +/- 3%
So that means there are about 325 or so Females in the Corps.
I'll bet 50% of those are in the FTAB.
So that leaves about 160 females for the rest of the Corps (I rounded a little).
So, take some y/y attrition rate between classes due to academics/loss of scholarship or lack of interest and you probably wind up with a distribution of 160 females that looks like this:
30 Seniors/35 Juniors/40 Sophomores/45 fish
If you need a good 60 females to form a single all-female cadet company, then you're leaving about 100 females to distribute to the integrated outfits. And if you did that, you'd wind up with a situation where you either populate 20 outfits with a token female or you'd wind up with somewhere between 2-5 outfits that you could populate with enough females to make it feel integrated rather than just paying lip service to integration.
The other problem that you'd run into with an All Female outfit is keeping enough cadets interested in staying in it after they're subjected to the cattiness and lesbianism that would no doubt arise (I've coached enough women's softball to know how this game works).
Note: in the era of W-1 and Sq. 14 there was no other choice for females. They couldn't jump ship if they didn't like their outfit.