[This message has been edited by CanyonAg77 (edited 1/19/2012 7:50p).]
This Krink kit is more than a parts kit to build with...this is a piece of World History. When Texas Representative Charlie Wilson was helping the Mujihadeen fight the Soviets in the mid 1980's he was given various guns that he brought back to the USA. Being a member of congress has its advantages and the ATF allowed Wilson to own these machine guns and register them on a Form 10 (a government owned gun). Charlie donated these guns to Texas A&M University at some point and there they remained undisplayed until the time of his recent death. At that time the University decided to have them destroyed even though they had been rendered inoperable by pouring epoxy into the barrels. I bought this Krink kit from the Class 3 dealer who destroyed them for the University
That's right, Charlie Wison's own RPG. Here's the story: Sometime in the 1980's, Charlie Wilson brought back a number of small arms from the conflict in Afghanistan, as trophies of his efforts there. These ranged in scope from various AK's to a Galil, and also included an Egyptian RPG-7, all in fully operable condition. In 1995, shortly before leaving office (and losing his official status as a government official as far at the ATF was concerned), Rep. Wilson donated these firearms to a museum in Texas, and were transferred to the museum on a Form 10. A short time ago, the museum enlisted my assistance with demilling and parting out the live machineguns and this RPG.
[This message has been edited by CanyonAg77 (edited 1/19/2012 7:50p).]