I don't understand these complaints either. Every major airline flies here and prices are good because there's some competition. Plenty of direct flights to various places, though I admit not as good as IAH/DFW/AUS. In the middle of the city. Easy to get to. Easy to get through. And I've never found our airport dirty. I fly a good bit, there are plenty of airports that ick me out...SAT doesn't even come close.
I worry about potential expansion options, but I imagine where there's a will, there's a way. At this time, though, doesn't seem like there's a major need to expand. Seriously, it's not a big airport with tons of nonstops like the others in Texas, but other than that, it's pretty great. For most of us living inside 1604, it's a 10, maybe 20 minute drive, and for those on the outskirts it's not too much farther.