I would do a 2nd regen cycle to clean it further. Here are some tips (from my experience).
1) When salt bin drops to 50% fill it to only 75%. I found when I top it off 100%, a large air gap builds up underneath which gives the illusion there is still plenty of salt. But the air gap doesn't isn't supplying salt for proper regen cycles to clean the media filter.
2) Check the level monthly & use an ice pick to break up the air gap below the salt so everything goes down.
3) Program the softener settings to regen based on
gallon usage, not timed schedule. This will conserve salt.
4) Buy this Wi-Fi based Pentair salt level sensor. It's not super accurate, but will give a "general sense" of the salt level from the smartphone app. It will also e-mail you when salt is very low.
https://www.lowes.com/pd/Pentair-Connected-Salt-Level-Sensor/50014469935) Since that Pentair salt sensor uses 3 AA batteries, I bought this to power it using the AC adapter so I never need to replace batteries. This particular one generates 1 amps needed to power the device correctly (the one's on Amazon didn't work).