I've have both. I run all gas but if it's minimal use? Battery might suit you better? Also I recommend going to a brand dealership instead of the box store.
Gas backpack and battery handheld. My Stihl handheld doesn't do anything the DeWalt battery can't, but is no where near the power of my Echo backpack. If my gas handheld ever goes out, I'm not replacing it
landscape company owner here and we run all stihl equipment. They run Monday-Friday (sometimes half day Saturday) from 7:30- 7pm (spring/summer) and rarely have an issue. Very good warranty service
Got the cheapest POS PoulanPro they had at the store and have had 0 problems over 10 years of residential use. Running ethanol-free gas and starting it up for a few minutes every 2 weeks over the winter is more important than brand IMO.