We just received the buyers inspection report for our place this week. Want to review a few things here to see if I am just completely off base. The home is around 8 years old and is in central Texas.
Items below were marked deficient, and the buyer requested all of these (plus more not written here) to be fixed.
"Rain Diverters or gutters over front porch, back porch and HVAC areas,
(Is this a requirement we are not aware of or a nice to have?)
For Attic area
No insulation certification data sheet
(Why would the inspector not just measure the insulation as oppose to marking this as deficient?)
No rulers or measuring device for insulation
(How is this a thing?)
Waterlines not insulated in attic
(Home is pex tubed, and passed the inspection when we bought the home. Are we really expected to go wrap all of the pex tubing to sell the home or is this strictly if new plumbing is added in the attic?)
In regards to the sprinkler system:
Found a broken sprinkler head which we agree should be fixed. But then marked the entire system deficient suggesting a licensed plumber come out and do a full pressure test.
(Is this a normal inspection request without any evidence at all of a leaking sprinkler system?)
Items below were marked deficient, and the buyer requested all of these (plus more not written here) to be fixed.
"Rain Diverters or gutters over front porch, back porch and HVAC areas,
(Is this a requirement we are not aware of or a nice to have?)
For Attic area
No insulation certification data sheet
(Why would the inspector not just measure the insulation as oppose to marking this as deficient?)
No rulers or measuring device for insulation
(How is this a thing?)
Waterlines not insulated in attic
(Home is pex tubed, and passed the inspection when we bought the home. Are we really expected to go wrap all of the pex tubing to sell the home or is this strictly if new plumbing is added in the attic?)
In regards to the sprinkler system:
Found a broken sprinkler head which we agree should be fixed. But then marked the entire system deficient suggesting a licensed plumber come out and do a full pressure test.
(Is this a normal inspection request without any evidence at all of a leaking sprinkler system?)