texsn95 said:
The point is, if your CYA is too high, then the issue is only going to get worse.
I understand that.
texsn95 said:
The point is, if your CYA is too high, then the issue is only going to get worse.
Sea Speed said:
One of my valves is shot and I backwashed my filter right in to my pool. This is why I cant have nice things.
So much sediment. Idk if I should drain it or just pump it for a year straight.
Teslag said:
Which testing kit are you using ? I'm looking for something a little more robust than what our PB gave us.
Sea Speed said:
Sand filter. I'm not going ti mess with valve right now because that is a bigger job than I want to deal with right now. If I am going ti back flush again I'll just put a hose from the jet out of the pool. I just got the thing looking good and then I dumped a ton of crap in it I am so frustrated with it.