Have some annoying things growing in clusters of oaks in the yard. I'm no expert but some google searches leads me to believe I have some similax bona-nox or some greenbrier that keeps popping up everywhere. I also have what seems to be tiny oaks sprouting up from the clusters of trees. Google leads me to believe they might be "suckers" from the roots…..not sure
Nonetheless, various types of weed and grass killers I've tried don't phase either one. Is there anything I can spray this with under the trees that will kill this stuff but not the big trees? Regarding what seems like a lot of tiny oaks popping up, If I really am dealing with suckers, seems like I'd be stressing the tree out if I get some harsh stuff.
Nonetheless, various types of weed and grass killers I've tried don't phase either one. Is there anything I can spray this with under the trees that will kill this stuff but not the big trees? Regarding what seems like a lot of tiny oaks popping up, If I really am dealing with suckers, seems like I'd be stressing the tree out if I get some harsh stuff.