Aggietaco said:
I'm on the fence with pegboard. I agree that it's nice to see a lot of stuff out and easily accessible, but there is always a fair amount of dust floating around my garage and I feel like having dust all over my tools would bug the **** out of me. I keep all of my tools in the rolling chest, soft bags, hard shells, or totes.
Do y'all just keep your shop cleaner than mine?
I would say I'm pretty meticulous about keeping my area clean, and I spend much more effort keeping the floor and bench top dust free. And as mentioned by Underoos, I typically blow out my space to manage dust, and almost never need to blow off the tools, with one exception: my miter saw throws a fair amount of dust on adjacent tools. I'm hoping dust collection will help manage that, but honestly, the tools blow off clearly fairly well, too.