Some Junkie Cosmonaut said:
I would pay good money to never see a hook again. Looking up and seeing the ball screaming left makes me want to break my clubs and quit. It's driving me completely mad. My "natural" flight is a baby draw. However, since getting married and moving outside of town, I don't have the time to practice or play as much as I would like to. The closest driving range is ~ 30 minutes away.
When I do get the chance, I can get it to a fade during a range session and play that for a round or two until the ball flight inevitably starts moving left. Fade - straight - draw - then to hook and it stays there. Rinse and repeat.
I understand it's because my fault is sucking the club inside on the takeaway then having to time it and flip my hands at impact. The good news is I have good enough eye-hand coordination where I can play that flip decently well but the bad news is that's not how the golf swing is supposed to go and it invites negative variables that when combined makes me a raving lunatic on the course (at least on the inside haha).
ETA: I would pay even better money to completely forget about my backswing. I am so concerned and concentrated on it that it's pretty much all I think about with a club in my hand.
This was me 100% a few years ago. New swing coach had me stand with my back 6 inches from a wall, and swing without hitting the wall in my backswing. I did this drill do a few weeks and it changed everything for me. Felt awkward until it didn't one day and now all of those nasty hooks and blocks are gone.