Basic question is this: there are a lot of strategies around choosing to make pre or post tax deferals based on whether you believe your tax braket will be higher or lower in retirement. But, your current deferals tax savings (assuming pre tax contribution) is at your marginal tax rate. Assuming your retirement income is from that same account, your taxes are lower because of the progressive nature of our income tax. Is that right? If so, why isn't this more commonly discussed. Seems like this makes pretax contributions a no brainier. What am I missing?
For example, today I save 25% by making pretax contributions. In retirement, the first $x are taxes 0%, then the next is taxes at 10%, then 12%, then finally 25%. That makes my effective tax rate sub 25%.
For example, today I save 25% by making pretax contributions. In retirement, the first $x are taxes 0%, then the next is taxes at 10%, then 12%, then finally 25%. That makes my effective tax rate sub 25%.