Looking to get ahead on finances and get more compounding in investments.
Age: mid 30s
Current mortgage remaining 27 year note 400k @ 2.87%
Monthly mortgage: $3900
House is worth ~$800k.
possible equity: $250-300k after 3 years of ownership.
Sell home and rent <$3900 for the foreseeable future and roll equity into investments. (We have talked about moving to smaller town where this rent is easily achievable). Rolling into into our current investments and assuming 7-8% return, we would be able to retire at 60 without making extra contributions (we still would).
I don't foresee my house being worth multimillions here in Dallas (Kessler/Stevens Park near golf course) in 25 years. (Maybe I am wrong).
What am I not thinking about here? Obviously renting with a young family would not be ideal. We could save up and buy again eventually, but barrier to entry would be more difficult.
Once again goal is to get hands on more cash to compound the next 25 years. Radical idea I know, but would rather be financially free at 60 vs thinking I have to live on a budget the last years of my life because I didn't think wisely in my earlier years.
Age: mid 30s
Current mortgage remaining 27 year note 400k @ 2.87%
Monthly mortgage: $3900
House is worth ~$800k.
possible equity: $250-300k after 3 years of ownership.
Sell home and rent <$3900 for the foreseeable future and roll equity into investments. (We have talked about moving to smaller town where this rent is easily achievable). Rolling into into our current investments and assuming 7-8% return, we would be able to retire at 60 without making extra contributions (we still would).
I don't foresee my house being worth multimillions here in Dallas (Kessler/Stevens Park near golf course) in 25 years. (Maybe I am wrong).
What am I not thinking about here? Obviously renting with a young family would not be ideal. We could save up and buy again eventually, but barrier to entry would be more difficult.
Once again goal is to get hands on more cash to compound the next 25 years. Radical idea I know, but would rather be financially free at 60 vs thinking I have to live on a budget the last years of my life because I didn't think wisely in my earlier years.