I'm waiting to see what happens with the exchange and the wallet, I made enough to pull out my original 200 dollars now I'm just letting my 250 million safemoon that I have left ride. The video game and crypto investing education app dont do anything for me so if tge wallet and the exchange turn into something then great, if not then well I'm not out anything. Nothing wrong with getting into something early that could turn into something plus it has a fast growing community. Do as much research as you can if you are planning to get I to it, things definitely throw up red flags, they got their certik audit but in the end that doesnt mean anything. Popularity and money also mean nothing, bitconnect and onecoin were popular and made money and we see what happened with those. I like the team, their AMAs are good but always be suspect of coins like these. Now everyone stop spreading FUD so I can be rich dammit lol. Also again waronrugs is a scammer there are better people to listen too, John has offered for waronrugs to cone on an AMA and he will answer any questions he has on front of a live audience and WOR refuses. WOR also shills scam coins he is involved in