Being an active trader, setting stop losses, monitoring the market DAILY (even every 15 mins), etc. can get you 200%. BUT let's be honest, most of the readers on the thread have real jobs and just want to dump some money in then walk away with 40% to 60% gains without any real effort. And why not? Easy money is the best money. Those are the people who get left holding big bags of ****-coins IF they don't do the research/learning. (I'm still sitting on a bags of VERI and SALT waiting for them to deliver...)
Got to know the full story and the rules of the game before getting in too deep.
Crypto market is a global unregulated casino with a wide variety of players which include: large institutional investors, true believers, digital innovators, TBTF banks, family offices, high speed trading algos, criminals, scammers, governments, central banks, large retail investors, small retail investors, and lots of dumb money spending their stimulus checks using RobinHood hoping to hit the DogeCoin lottery.
Players rig the game to their favor. Exchanges throttle back their services during times of high demand. Sharks watch for over leveraged positions and crush them. Governments allow some tokens to be listed and others not. People use VPNs to get around governments. Companies like Goldman use derivatives to influence price of BTC. Scammers push incredible sounding narratives, then deliver nothing. Govt's and central banks use social media and MSN to spread FUD. Dumb money buys on the way to all time highs and sell as the coin is crashing 30% because of a tweet. A select few (less than 5%) of the ~5000 coins/companies actually achieve what they promised and deliver innovative market solutions / life changing money.
It's (mostly) unregulated capitalism at its finest. I love it. Definitely not for everyone. Got to have diamond hands and thick skin.
Blockchain technology has the ability positively impact the world much the same way the internet did over the last 30 years. We are still extremely early in the game, it's going to take a little more time for the market to go through growing pains and fully develop. Put the time/effort in, develop a strategy, and you can reap significant rewards.
Just my opinion....could be completely wrong. Do your own research.