Action is crazy today.PhatMack19 said:
Damn, we may get to a $1 tonight
Action is crazy today.PhatMack19 said:
Damn, we may get to a $1 tonight
Jet Black said:
I haven't followed as close as others. Is $1.00 the target price or could this thing actually go to $2, $3, higher? Is Musk really going to pump it on SNL?
Texags84 said:
what service do you suggest to use to buy for newbie?
YouBet said:
In other news, Sotheby's has reached a deal with Coinbase to let you buy art using BTC and Ether via Coinbase.
YouBet said:XXXVII said:YouBet said:Guilty as charged.XXXVII said:
I have no idea what BTC is doing. I think the price is being manipulated by whales.
0.008 BTC, bi^ch.
Lol. I'm actually trying to decide which one of the following to dump about $500 into soon.
What makes the most sense?
At that $ amount I'm going ADA or LINK.
NTXAg10 said:
Gemini now supports DOGE. Wtf is the world coming to?
SheeeeeeshFancyKetchup14 said:
I bought EthC at $7-8 a pop back in February. Sold it when it doubled up thinking I made a good haul.
It's at $100 a coin now.
Saint Pablo said:SheeeeeeshFancyKetchup14 said:
I bought EthC at $7-8 a pop back in February. Sold it when it doubled up thinking I made a good haul.
It's at $100 a coin now.
Saint Pablo said:SheeeeeeshFancyKetchup14 said:
I bought EthC at $7-8 a pop back in February. Sold it when it doubled up thinking I made a good haul.
It's at $100 a coin now.
Aggiesincebirth said:
Ok I'm tired of this ISH. Let's take Safemoon the the damn MOON!
Champ Bailey said:Saint Pablo said:SheeeeeeshFancyKetchup14 said:
I bought EthC at $7-8 a pop back in February. Sold it when it doubled up thinking I made a good haul.
It's at $100 a coin now.
All I'm seeing in the headlines is about how it has problems with its 51% rule and they aren't doing anything to address. Is this rise pure speculation, or is there something underlying that people like about it?
XXXVII said:Champ Bailey said:Saint Pablo said:SheeeeeeshFancyKetchup14 said:
I bought EthC at $7-8 a pop back in February. Sold it when it doubled up thinking I made a good haul.
It's at $100 a coin now.
All I'm seeing in the headlines is about how it has problems with its 51% rule and they aren't doing anything to address. Is this rise pure speculation, or is there something underlying that people like about it?
I'm still highly skeptical of ETH in general even though I do hold a small amount. ETH was developed hastily and they seem to fix things as they go, but with ADA they are being very methodical and careful with its development so they produce a better-engineered product. For that reason, I'm putting more into ADA right now especially since the price is so good.
Not easy yet but they are supposed to be launching a wallet to buy it.Jet Black said:Aggiesincebirth said:
Ok I'm tired of this ISH. Let's take Safemoon the the damn MOON!
Is there an easy way to buy this?
Aggiesincebirth said:Not easy yet but they are supposed to be launching a wallet to buy it.Jet Black said:Aggiesincebirth said:
Ok I'm tired of this ISH. Let's take Safemoon the the damn MOON!
Is there an easy way to buy this?
I went to Trust wallet and bought BNB then swapted it for BNB Smart Chain then had to go to Pancake Swap and swap it for Safemoon by typing in Safemoon.
I believe if you go to the Safemoon twitter they can explain how to get there. Foggy helped me out the other week. They need to have an easier way to buy it, but I bought in before it gets on those other wallets because I think that will drive demand for the coin once it joins those.
aggiengeorgia10 said:
You might have to go to add custom token but you should just be able to type it in and switch it on
aggiengeorgia10 said:
When you did the add custom token did you make sure the network was Smart Chain and not Ethereum
You know how much I would like this? A lot.TxAG#2011 said:
Litecoin trust up like 40% from yesterday lmao. Litecoin going to 4 digits IMO
Aggiesincebirth said:
I had to close and reopen my trust wallet. Foggy said he had to do something in his settings because his wouldn't show up either until he did it. He said it's for sure there so maybe he can chime in to help you
aggiengeorgia10 said:
Lol sorry that I'm going over stuff you have already done, I bought 6 weeks ago and all I had to do was type it in, is your trust wallet updated?
Mostly Foggy Recollection said:
Sorry I didn't respond fast enough. Glad you got it to work. You can turn tokens and coins on and off from your dashboard in the upper right hand corner with the two lines