Voyager is a nice user friendly app that seems to work ok if you're just dabbling in crypto and aren't putting much money at risk. But if you are a serious investor and/or have larger amounts at risk, I'd start getting your money out of there as soon as possible. Get your coins into wallets or even to another more reputable exchange.
I think keeping a nominal amount in Voyager and collecting "interest" is ok, but I'm growing very very skeptical of their business model.
Transfers sit "pending" for a week+ with no communication or ability to cancel. Can't transfer VeChain to wallets. Very low limits for extracting funds (can only do $10k/day I think). I also have friends that had to wait weeks while their accounts sat in "pending" state before they could make trades.
Intuitively, if they're paying out ADA interest at like 6%, that means they're able to make ADA loans at 7%+ to balance the books and collect a profit. Worst case scenario is that they're having trouble executing the loans to offset the interest payments and it turns into a ponzi scheme of sorts. Best case scenario is that they're just incompetent at customer service and ability to execute within the range of normal brokerage standards.
I could certainly be overreacting or maybe I'm just not knowledgeable to really understand what they're doing and why they're so lousy at executing. But either way, something just doesn't smell right to me and I'm (slowly, because that's all they allow) moving my coins elsewhere.