Colt98 said:
Yes it makes total since. I use TOS. Will it automatically know I am doing a spread?
What's your goal here? it worries me when someone asks me to explain an option strategy then tells me they're using TOS and they aren't sure how the system will "see" their position. It makes me concerned they aren't 100% certain what they are getting into. We were all rookie traders at some point (not saying that's where you are) in time and the learning curve can be steep and expensive so i just want to make sure you're educated enough to get this right before it gets expensive.
If you're not I'd advise some paper trading first. I'm just now getting back into it after about 6 years off as I built my consulting business. That year I was in it I learned a lot with some of those lessons being very costly. As I contemplated getting back in I did paper trading for most of 2019 and documented all of those trades in Excel along with notes of what went right and wrong, my analysis ahead of the trade, etc. That lead to a pretty well defined set of rules that I am sticking to religiously and that has lead to a good start. This isn't for the feign of heart and you've really, really got to understand the strategy you're using or it'll get away from you in a very costly way.
For example that C trade I copied from Investopedia. You could do that trade every single week with weekly options against C and you could lose $100 every week if C fails to reach the purchased strike price that week. It's a risky strategy. Typically when I purchase an option it's to back one I'm selling at a higher price as a Call or Put Spread so it's really just to cap my exposure and prevent me from having to hold the stock to get the sale. I don't buy options as the feature of my trades. If I want to profit off of a bullish position I'll either sell a Put Spread or I'll do a Buy-Write where I buy the stock then sell a Call. The expiration feature of options makes buying Calls a potentially costly maneuver.
Just be careful, that's the point really. If you're an experience trader in other trades but not that one then ignore all of that and maybe it'll be useful for someone else following this thread!