haha this is very true.
what are you talking about
Where you threw a board sponsor (that based on your age I assume you've never worked with) under the bus, get called out on it by several of us, and have yet to respond.
Forgot I did that. Removed and apologized for the comment. You have successfully derailed yet another decent thread by taking personal shots at somebody, well done sir, well done.
You both successfully derailed this thread. Does that make you feel better?
You both successfully derailed this thread. Does that make you feel better?
Yes...yes it does. Now I have a derailing buddy.
One day, someone will eulogize this about Stive: So humble… always willing to share his online victories with others.
Yes...yes it does. Now I have a derailing buddy.
I've been humbled on this board lately. I'm WAY more humble this week than I was last week. I predict I'll have my swagger back in full force by mid-March.
Take it to the GB board.
Doubtful, I'll keep you grounded. THIS IS WAS NOT A VICTORY FOR YOU
Hennessy, I am more interested in your situation due to the fact we are the same age and make pretty much the same money. How much do all your bills come out to a month? When I factor in rent, utilities, cable/internet, student loan, car payment, insurance, cell phone etc it comes to about $1750 a month. This stays the same about every month... After all pretax deductions (401K, medical/dental) & taxes leaves me about $1100 or so a month leftover for all spending (gas & groceries) as well as anything I want to save on the side.
After everything, I don't have much leftover. Hoping for a nice raise/promotion around summertime when I approach 2 years though. How does your situation compare?
What would your investment portfolio look like for that $15k?
Thriller, no problem. This is why I started this thread. I didn't have much plans to pursue the AMRN stock. I am just trying to learn more about this whole side of things. I have never been as interested in $ in general than I am right now. How to save, what investing in general is about, and what to do with those savings etc. Yes this is my tax refund money I am discussing, I wouldn't be putting next months bills into the market. I am trying to find the balance of putting the refund cash toward loans and savings. I need to save for 2 short term(emergency and plan on getting engaged soonish) while saving for retirement, and paying off my loans
re aTmPapi (and Stive, any others)
My question is more specific to having a lump some (previously in savings) that you want to get working at higher potential return (with assumed risk) (and yes in a taxable account).
Today (right now) with the markets at 5 year highs... do you drop all 15/20/25 k into an index fund... or dollar cost average monthly/quarterly/etc (and if so, for how long).
So basically the idea behind DCA is to invest some money initially and then put in money monthly/quarterly?
mho - one key point that stive left out is investing the 'same amount' on a recurring schedule. this way you buy 'less' when the market is up and 'more' when the market is down
Just curious, are you living at home rent free and that is how you are affording those payments on student loans and car? I bought a $14K used SUV after graduation (I needed a vehicle bad) and owe about $7500 left, and have about $21K in student loans.. Between the two, I pay about $550 a month. But when I throw in all other costs of living, rent/utils, contributing to 401K, insurance, etc... I barely have anything leftover. And we have almost an identical salary.
Luckily, my first year out in a new city I didn't know anyone and therefor was able to save up about $10K fairly quickly, but with now a developed social life, girlfriend, and a handful of last minute expensive emergency flights home (dad's health) my savings has slowed and even taken a little bit of a hit.
I'm paying almost $900 a month in rent living alone and that is what kills me the most.
outside of selling the car, what recommendations do y'all have for the return?
Before you get engaged, take this tax refund and go to Vegas for the first two rounds of the NCAA tournament. You can thank me later.
BUT if I were getting married, I would get rid of my car and start looking to be smarter for my future.
PS. The car already did its job and helped you get a great fiance anyway right? Just trade it for a 10k honda civic....
You realize you're taking the number 1 advice from this thread, trashing it, and then asking the same people for more advice, right?
PS. The car already did its job and helped you get a great fiance anyway right? Just trade it for a 10k honda civic....
You realize you're taking the number 1 advice from this thread, trashing it, and then asking the same people for more advice, right?
To be fair, he may plan to do that and just wonder if there are any other steps he can take once that one is done or in the meantime.