Baseball Is Life said:
BadAggie said:
What other club has had the success the Astros have had beginning with 2015?
Many of the complaints I see here are basically the Astros haven't been able to continue to turn out high level prospects while also making 7 consecutive LCS.
Consider yourself fortunate if this trade raises your blood pressure. Damn.
That was before Jim turned into Jerry 2.0. What Lunhow and Click built, is currently being destroyed. You could see the nepotism and meddling starting in 2019, when Jared Crane replaced Reid Ryan. When Click was offered an insulting one year contract, you knew the success had gotten to Jim. He thought he could build and/or even coach this team to a championship.
I appreciate what Jim did in the past, but it didn't have to end this way. I hope this team has one more run in them because the clock is close to striking midnight. I really think there are too many holes and too many needs to address in the offseason. I'll eat a happy dose of crow if I am wrong.
This is my take precisely. Add to it that Crane explicitly said he hired Dana to rebuild the talent in the minors. The jury is still out on whether Dana has done a good job with our picks, but if history shows he was just as good a talent evaluator here as in his previous stops he will have done his most important job.
As I look at this trade I really feel Crane is the problem, not necessarily Dana, because it has all the trademarks of a Crane mentality of "do a deal at all costs". I really don't think Dana clears the cupboard without some sort of ultimatum from Crane.