AggieJosh2002 said:
May have already been covered but I am thinking about flying in for a game ... been a huge Astros fan for years and got to take this opportunity. What is the best way to get a single ticket? Am I better off waiting until very close to game time? Getting it early? Based on previous years what has it been like? I'm planning on just getting SRO to just get in the building
If you're wanting a single wait. But keep an eye out on the market. As it gets closer, people may start to split their tickets in more ways than they previously would, sell 3 of 4, etc. Obviously you won't want to wait this long if you're flying down, but I bought this single for $160 for fridays game about 20 minutes after the game started. Kicker was we bought the wife a single in the 400's and the two people next to me never showed up so we both sat here the whole game.
Edit: obviously we got really lucky, I wouldn't say that's the norm. This ticket was cheaper than SRO. But you can see total tickets on stubhub. If there are a lot, a few thousand, prices will continue to drop. If there aren't, they'll hold steady or even rise.
Maybe plan on coming Wednesday and watching the market to see what it does Tuesday?