Not really his fault. Blame the defensive positioning.
Arm conditioning. Just because I ran track in high school doesn't mean I still can.cap-n-jack said:
How many innings can those bull pen guys go anyway? I don't get it. They were all probably ace starters in high school and college. What is the difference between a 7 inning starter and a 2 inning flamethrower?
With a 2 GS cushion.W said:
here's Hoyt
Well, actually I was pretty good. But you lose endurance if you don't train for things.cap-n-jack said:
Not good enough Buck, and you probably looked fabulous in those running silks. These guys were all the best at what they do when when we were studying calculous.
What makes a starter a starter and a flame throwing reliever different?
And the pineapple goes deep!