MooreTrucker said:
DallasAg 94 said:
Aggie_Eric98 said:
From the astros thread
"Astros really would have had no chance against anyone this series. They're so mentally checked out it's apparent on every play.
And that is ALL on Reid Ryan.
Dude could have had his coaches and players spending the day and night with their families. Instead, they got on a plane and flew to Tampa to spite JD.
Yep, and since they got painted as the villain by Reid Ryan, I'm glad they're living up to that billing by beating the dog**** outta the Astros.
Dave Raymond had some great comments on the radio (The Fan 105.3) this morning. Interesting my son last year was like... "105.3 for a sports radio? Lose?"
Anyway, IIRC the details... he said he lived about a mile from AJ Hinch, but sold his house a few months ago. He was talking with AJ and IIRC, they haven't been able to get to his house. He said AJ wasn't sure they'd be able to get to it this weekend and that AJ was planning to stay in a hotel near MMP.
Dave said the decision of where to play should have come from MLB, who had less at stake. He didn't point fingers and was very neutral in indicting either FO. My take away was that the decision should have been made to play in Arlington. He tried to stay neutral and so you didn't know if he thought it should have been in Arlington swapping series, or it should have been in Arlington regardless.
He mentioned when Ike came through he and Brocail were with Houston. He said their series with the Cubs was interesting. He said Randy Wolf had to carry his 2 bags of luggage down 15 flights of stairs while holding his flashlight between his shoulder and head, just to get out. Wolf was to be the SP and could only go 2-3 IP, not because he was getting hammered, but because he didn't have the stamina. They got no-hit and the next day was just as bad. He said the team just didn't have it to give.
He said neither team in Tampa talked about the fact they were in Tampa, but all were concerned for things back home. One of the Astros broadcasters lost contact with his family Tuesday night, so he got zero sleep, trying to make contact.
He mentioned that Kuechel had a great start and some were thinking he could throw a perfect game. So, the thought that nobody wanted to play can be dismissed. However... my opinion here... you have to think the distraction of home started to creep in during the 4th inning. Even Banny said your mind wanders during the game about what is going on and you have to dial it back in and stay focused. Not sure Kuechel's situation back home, but have to think mentally he wasn't able to stay at that level.
They basically let him talk for like 20 mins, with no commercial breaks. It was a much more enjoyable listen, than any Rangers' game I've heard him broadcast.
It put a face on the situation in Houston regarding the ties and connections. And it further pisses me off that Reid Ryan decided to drag everyone to Tampa. If the Astros get swept, this whole "equitable" position of Reid Ryan blows up in his face.