TXAggie2011 said:
But based on how JD has handled player and front office defections in the past, I'd say it's naive to think that the Rangers "thought they could do better" at pitching coach... Especially when they ultimately went out and signed Doug Brocail.
That's great. But you're repeating that why? No one has been arguing with you about that.
You posted that based on what JD said they decided they could do better with someone else at pitching coach.
I responded that based on what we know, it was unlikely that was truly the case and was likely more JD doing his "everything's fine, all going as planned" speak.
You then dove into dates and comments that they Rangers walked away from the table, not vice versa.
Either you are arguing that Texas truly thought they could do better than Mike Maddux (Doug Brocail), or you agree with what I initially posted.
I know that's a tough spot for you to be in -- to either say you believe something that you know no sane person could believe to be true, or to not argue that someone is wrong.