It has no bearing on the matter. Players get old and they retire. One day Duncan will hang it up. He will probably play one more year and then call it a day.
You don't ask Tim Duncan to retire. Period.
Can't believe we're even having this conversation.
Besides, Tim has said time and again that he won't just hang around and collect a paycheck if he's no longer an effective contributor to the team's success. This isn't Kobe we're talking about. Or Dirk who disappears for weeks at a time these days. This is Timmy. The dude who has taken pay cuts time and again so the Spurs' FO can find new talent. And it has paid off in spades. Both Timmy and the FO will know when he's ready to hang 'em up. Maybe that's after this year. Maybe it's three years from now. Maybe it's somewhere in between. Who knows?
But what I (and any Spurs fan or basketball fan worth their salt) DO know is that you do not, under ANY circumstances, have the unmitigated gall to call Timothy Theodore Duncan into the office, sit him down, and ask him to retire straight up. Not even a thought that would be entertained.
ETA: Yes, I am mad. That is rare for me lol