And I don't know why but it's bothering me. Like if I'd have done a better job at center it would not have been necessary….
Warned the coach part way thru the second half I'd had enough of the constant banter and to get them to be quiet or they'd be leaving. Saw the coach tell them to shut it but it continued. Other team, who quite frankly, those parents can be quite vocal, hardly said anything during the game.
Final straw was the parent complaining about a call against his team 80-yards away (opposite side of the field). I stopped the clock and told the coach "he needs to leave". Parent of course continued to call me a home team fan, which is funny bc I'm pretty indifferent to that HS.
Maybe I was just thin skinned bc the last few games as an AR the insults from the stands were actually getting personal (I can listen to "he was/was not offside" all day bc people in the stands really have no perspective and don't watch what an AR watches). But some of the personal comments were over the top. So I was probably a little sensitive.
Both ARs said I did fine and called it even (both are experienced and I've worked with them before).
Sometimes I wonder why I do this. It's not for the money I can tell you that. It was 90+ on that turf and as AR the game before I running my tail off chasing over the top balls in the second half.
Warned the coach part way thru the second half I'd had enough of the constant banter and to get them to be quiet or they'd be leaving. Saw the coach tell them to shut it but it continued. Other team, who quite frankly, those parents can be quite vocal, hardly said anything during the game.
Final straw was the parent complaining about a call against his team 80-yards away (opposite side of the field). I stopped the clock and told the coach "he needs to leave". Parent of course continued to call me a home team fan, which is funny bc I'm pretty indifferent to that HS.
Maybe I was just thin skinned bc the last few games as an AR the insults from the stands were actually getting personal (I can listen to "he was/was not offside" all day bc people in the stands really have no perspective and don't watch what an AR watches). But some of the personal comments were over the top. So I was probably a little sensitive.
Both ARs said I did fine and called it even (both are experienced and I've worked with them before).
Sometimes I wonder why I do this. It's not for the money I can tell you that. It was 90+ on that turf and as AR the game before I running my tail off chasing over the top balls in the second half.