For sale in College Station is a Coonan Arms Inc. .357 magnum 1911, Model B. It has checkered rubber grips, improved trigger, improved rear sight, and one magazine included. Asking $1350 OBO. Can meet anywhere in College Station.
Contact info in profile.

Also, if you wish to try it out, we can meet at Champion if you pay for range time and ammo. It will cycle .38spl and heavy .357mag, but is currently set up for .357mag.
EDIT: Photos added
[This message has been edited by Deutscher_Aggie1 (edited 5/16/2013 1:00p).]
[This message has been edited by Deutscher_Aggie1 (edited 5/17/2013 4:22p).]
Contact info in profile.

Also, if you wish to try it out, we can meet at Champion if you pay for range time and ammo. It will cycle .38spl and heavy .357mag, but is currently set up for .357mag.
EDIT: Photos added
[This message has been edited by Deutscher_Aggie1 (edited 5/16/2013 1:00p).]
[This message has been edited by Deutscher_Aggie1 (edited 5/17/2013 4:22p).]