"And as much as I love all this warm fuzzy stuff I keep reading between Clemson and A&M...I sure hope we BTHOC come Sept 3!"
Aggrad99, you got that right from both sides of the field. We may see eye to eye and keg to keg, but come 8 p.m. that Saturday night, the warm fuzzies will be supplanted by steel-forged fury.
We respect y'all, even like y'all, but we want to pound y'all into the green-painted turf of the Valley. And y'all should hope to do the same to us.
But we'll still split a cold one afterward.
Aggrad99, you got that right from both sides of the field. We may see eye to eye and keg to keg, but come 8 p.m. that Saturday night, the warm fuzzies will be supplanted by steel-forged fury.
We respect y'all, even like y'all, but we want to pound y'all into the green-painted turf of the Valley. And y'all should hope to do the same to us.
But we'll still split a cold one afterward.