Gyles Marrett said:
3 out of 3 auto byes have lost. Could they have screwed up a 12 team playoff system any worse? Lol.
Ditch this. Go 16 teams. No byes. No auto bids. Seed straight up 1-16 and go.
I agree they should ditch the seeds being tied to anything conference championship related, but overall its been interesting.
Oregon was going to be #1 in any system we played under and they got their doors blown off the worst.
ASU was considered the weakest of this weekends opponents and took tu to OT (after a controversion no-call in regulation that may have led to a win in regulation)
All that to say that I agree we should change the way seeing is done, but we've also had some examples this year of teams not being what we expected them to be, even considering rankings (tu was 3 and ASU was in the teens, if I recall correctly) so it's hard for me to be a huge "there are too many teams" guy right now.