For the case against the Aggies, we saw little to no holding calls against our great DL's. We often see calls overturned that would benefit us.
My argument would be to look at games of importance only.
One play as an example was an offside by Bisontis during our ball game. The ref threw his flag on the defense, the ref called it against USC and you could even see Marcel Reed in the background celebrating the call.m because he heard the conversation. But a head referee over turned the other official and called it against Bisontis. What am I supposed to thing about that.
Another example of a critical call was a PI call against our defense with a call that was clearly uncatchable. It was a drive extending penalty right before halftime I think.
Drive extending calls for opponents, while we get meaningless penalties.
But I saw Texas complain about non calls against Georgia and they were able to get officials suspended. Why can't we? They fine coaches for calling it out generally to keep things swept under the rug. Money talks.
I think the deck was rigged against Jimbo during the pandemic year. We missed the playoffs when we shouldn't have. Everyone knew it.
Once Jimbo put it together his effort as a coach stopped, and I blame him. It's a stacked deck.
As far as officiating goes here are the things to watch for.
For games that actually matter.
-when a penalty is called against you, will the tv affiliate (Disney on many cases) Will they show the replay so we can see what happened.
-non calls that should be flags. We don't even get to see these penalties because as far as we know the never existed. I'm going to point to holding calls (offensive and defensive). How many do you benefit from and how many are against you in meaningful parts of a game (drive extending drives.)
I would also point to pass interference calls (both ways)
And of course targeting. Too many objective things going on that I think if you're aware you can see a pattern.
My worry is what happens to the work ethic of a staff or players when they pick up on this. However if they're getting paid ridiculous amounts maybe they don't care. Maybe at that point it's get money and I'm happy. The problem with this is it's the fans and donors who get the bad end of the stick. How far can you push a fanbase before the money stops coming in?
Just some musings. Feel like these should be a huge point of discussion.
My argument would be to look at games of importance only.
One play as an example was an offside by Bisontis during our ball game. The ref threw his flag on the defense, the ref called it against USC and you could even see Marcel Reed in the background celebrating the call.m because he heard the conversation. But a head referee over turned the other official and called it against Bisontis. What am I supposed to thing about that.
Another example of a critical call was a PI call against our defense with a call that was clearly uncatchable. It was a drive extending penalty right before halftime I think.
Drive extending calls for opponents, while we get meaningless penalties.
But I saw Texas complain about non calls against Georgia and they were able to get officials suspended. Why can't we? They fine coaches for calling it out generally to keep things swept under the rug. Money talks.
I think the deck was rigged against Jimbo during the pandemic year. We missed the playoffs when we shouldn't have. Everyone knew it.
Once Jimbo put it together his effort as a coach stopped, and I blame him. It's a stacked deck.
As far as officiating goes here are the things to watch for.
For games that actually matter.
-when a penalty is called against you, will the tv affiliate (Disney on many cases) Will they show the replay so we can see what happened.
-non calls that should be flags. We don't even get to see these penalties because as far as we know the never existed. I'm going to point to holding calls (offensive and defensive). How many do you benefit from and how many are against you in meaningful parts of a game (drive extending drives.)
I would also point to pass interference calls (both ways)
And of course targeting. Too many objective things going on that I think if you're aware you can see a pattern.
My worry is what happens to the work ethic of a staff or players when they pick up on this. However if they're getting paid ridiculous amounts maybe they don't care. Maybe at that point it's get money and I'm happy. The problem with this is it's the fans and donors who get the bad end of the stick. How far can you push a fanbase before the money stops coming in?
Just some musings. Feel like these should be a huge point of discussion.