Nibblerweather said:
I honestly have zero line of sight as to what goes on behind the scenes. A lot of fair criticisms about some of our culture and some of our traditions. But I don't see the link between not booing and losing. A lot of teams boo, have female cheerleaders and lose just fine.
Allow me to demonstrate the link.
When you are watching the Donghorns beat your Aggies and whomever is deciding how a play at the goal line which is the same one that didn't work previously (ever) should be chosen/executed - and this idjit makes the absolutely brain-dead decision to pull a guard leaving a direct path for Donghorn players who are the strength of their program this year, to the Aggie backfield and also ensures that there is no possible way a yard can be obtained by having the quarterback go under center yet hands the ball to a small halfback five yards deep in the backfield (negating the under center advantage) then you would as a Donghorn if the role was reversed BOO quite a lot showing your displeasure and hopefully the embarrassment would lead to correction by the Hawthorne Effect next time. If many share this view and Boo loudly, the coaching staff usually realizes they screwed up and need to fix this because there is immediate verbal communication that the fan base is angry.
However, as an Aggie you cannot boo, and have to keep your mouth shut and hope that perhaps someone would post something on social media or texags that would somehow reach the staff personnel responsible and the correction would happen through osmosis and/or diffusion. This is absolute fantasy and will never correct the issue so this is why there is a link between immediate and proper communication that does not reward bad behavior, and the probability of winning the game so in essence - winning.