Back in the day…
Every year, prior to the merger with the AFL, the winners of the NFL Eastern and Western Conference Championships would go to the NFL Championship…
But the losers would play one final game called the Playoff Bowl…
It was a sheer money grab by the owners and the players HATED it, only playing because of the extra game check…
It was a worthless, LOSERS Bowl…
Reminds me of the current CFB Bowl Season…
CFB has truly become like the NFL…
Every year, prior to the merger with the AFL, the winners of the NFL Eastern and Western Conference Championships would go to the NFL Championship…
But the losers would play one final game called the Playoff Bowl…
It was a sheer money grab by the owners and the players HATED it, only playing because of the extra game check…
It was a worthless, LOSERS Bowl…
Reminds me of the current CFB Bowl Season…
CFB has truly become like the NFL…