Texas A&M Football
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Interesting Take on A&M and SEC

22,965 Views | 111 Replies | Last: 2 mo ago by BusterAg
C2 Ag 93
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I just skimmed the article, and think it's getting at something I've always known - for the last 50 years, it's not about the sips, and even we sometimes fall into the thinking it "possibly is." I get that the article seems balanced, but I simply couldn't read it because I couldn't make it past its flawed premise --- "what did we do with it" (the 12 year head start in the SEC).

There really wasn't any "it" to do "with." So while the article is trying to maybe say the same thing as I am about to say, even it "fell into the trap."

Texas A&M has been its own agent effectively since 1975. Yes, we have to recruit against the sips (note, I didn't say "had to," because frankly, even with us in separate conferences, we still had competition). But guess what, even after we joined the SEC we then had to recruit against LSU, Bama, etc. And often won.

We all need to stop thinking the sips coming into the SEC really changes much. Yes, it was a competitive advantage recruiting-wise to say we were the only Texas SEC school, but that's about where it stops. And we will be fine, BTW. Why?

1975: The first year one can really say Texas A&M was a "normal" University, graduating more non-regs than corps and when the first fully-co-ed classes began graduating. To say we could compete with any school in Texas on a regular basis prior to that is like believing the military academies should be able to as well. If Navy or Army play Baylor, TCU, or TT every year in recent decades, not sure they would have winning records. This is straight up facts.

Even before the move to the SEC: Texas A&M vs Texas head to head in football - dead even between 1975 and 2012. Due to the aforementioned, it's actually a miracle and a testament that the all-time series going back to 1894 isn't even more lopsided than 76-37-5. When I was in school in the early 90s, we had gone on a 6 game win streak vs the sips, then in 1990, in a game that was widely commented on throughout sports media as a major or "shocking" upset, the sips pulled out a game against us in Austin by a single point. They then dubbed their season as the "Shock the Nation" tour, only to "shock the nation" as to how badly a team can lose a bowl to finish the season. We then went on another win-streak against them, 4 games.

Now the SEC: The fear that them joining the SEC matters in terms of our competitiveness simply doesn't stack up against the fact we were competitive before, even with lacking some advantages we have today. When we were stuck in the SWC with them, one could say they actually held more competitive advantage against us, as A&M's rise was still fairly new (1975 forward). Yet, we were dead even. In the Big 12, the sips had to compete for recruits, fans, etc., with a bigger pool of schools. And look at their record in the Big 12 (not really that good when you hold out they did have one magical year and win the national title). OU dominated them, and losing to Baylor or TCU was not an uncommon occurrence. It's been proven that all schools in the SEC will now be competing on a more even foot - I think the old "branding" the sips had in this regard actually died in 1975, but so many people simply forget it. NIL also changes things (not a fan of it per se, but the fact is, both the sips and Texas A&M are likely to hold an advantage over most SEC schools here).

The article's basic premise is flawed. There was no "it" to do with when we joined the SEC, since the "it" implies we hadn't already caught up to the sips even before we left. Even if we capitalized on the conference recruiting advantage we had, as we all know, simply, teams in College Football always rise and fall regardless of these advantages. There's nothing to say had we won an SEC title or more in the 12 years, that we wouldn't have also stumbled, just like there's nothing to say our NIL advantages over many in the SEC won't cause us to finally bring it across the finish line.

Final note, in the wake of the Bonfire tragedy, recall, even the sips' student body president had an awakening and wrote an article admitting they finally understood that none of our culture and tradition really was even bothered with them. It only looked that way on the surface. They admitted then that Texas A&M was eminently more qualified to handle such a tragedy because of our sense of tradition, family, sense of school above our cliques, etc.

We don't need the sips, as the last 12 years proved, they don't need us. Us being in difference conferences simply made life easier since we didn't have to expend any energy trying to ignore their childish, arrogant and outdated ramblings about how they are "big brother". Now we just have to put up with it again somehow, but we don't have to buy into it anymore.

To me, our game with them now is just another SEC school on the schedule. This year, I am honestly looking more forward to ND as I think they will be a tougher opponent, though I get the fact getting them early in the season may be to our advantage, whereas teams generally improve as the season wears on. I am looking just as forward to the LSU game as I am the game with the sips. If Bama were coming to Kyle this year, I'd be looking more forward to that game than the game with the sips.
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Bjork was spineless and fell in line....

A different article where Sankey stated all voted yes and this had been under discussion for some time...

______________________________________________________ Play for the name on the front of your jersey, not the back...
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I kinda compare us to Auburn in their relationship to Alabama. War Eagle is second fiddle in Alabama (there is no third fiddle). Here in Texas we can match anything that Texas does and they can match us. They have everything we do and we have everything they do. The main difference is that they are jerks and we aren't.
Peace for Ukraine!
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tu will always be strong in all sports. I now think we will, too.
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We left BDF and sips fell flat on their face because their AD is a sheitshow and they could not consistently beat KU, KState, Iowa State nor tceh nor baylol. They had some success in softball, WBB, and other sports with some post-season runs in baseball and basketball.

Now, they back door their way into SEC and every school will unleash all to dimish their entry. whorns will not get their BOMC homer calls week in and week out.

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You obviously didn't read the article.
Layne Staley
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If we had just a little better defense the year Johnny won the Heisman. We would've won a national championship that year. Nobody wanted to play us at the end of the season.
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The Chicken Ranch said:

EastSideAg2002 said:

Just need to be sure we payback FL and USCe when those ACC schools come a knockin

They would have voted yes to add tu and OU because they don't give a crap about us. We would have been the lone No vote, looking like a bucket of sour apples.
tu would have had a great time accusing us of being afraid to play them.

But, like I heard rumors that Schloss was leaving and didn't believe it, I now hear rumors that A&M is talking to the BigTenwhatever and don't believe it. Yet.
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Don't go taking crap. I'm not going to Rutgers, Wisconsin, Indiana, blah, blah, blah. I'll get rid of my tickets. Won't support any of that.
Peace for Ukraine!
Ag Tag
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monarch said:

Don't go taking crap. I'm not going to Rutgers, Wisconsin, Indiana, blah, blah, blah. I'll get rid of my tickets. Won't support any of that.
C'mon man, a matchup with Rutgers would be epic!
Fins Up!
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monarch said:

Don't go taking crap. I'm not going to Rutgers, Wisconsin, Indiana, blah, blah, blah. I'll get rid of my tickets. Won't support any of that.

Exactly! This B1G stuff is just gibberish. Might as well be Biden talking.
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Rongagin71 said:

The Chicken Ranch said:

EastSideAg2002 said:

Just need to be sure we payback FL and USCe when those ACC schools come a knockin

They would have voted yes to add tu and OU because they don't give a crap about us. We would have been the lone No vote, looking like a bucket of sour apples.
tu would have had a great time accusing us of being afraid to play them.

But, like I heard rumors that Schloss was leaving and didn't believe it, I now hear rumors that A&M is talking to the BigTenwhatever and don't believe it. Yet.
I prefer playing in the SEC and wonder just how much trouble flying to northern schools in the winter might be - but we already fly a lot and might be flying to better airports if in the BigTen,
Anyway, here is more smoke saying A&M and Notre Dame are in discussion with BigTen.
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Stupid; why are we running from the SEC and our buddies southwest of here? F++k em. Stands up to Fexas and wax their ass. You want more respect? Then WAX their ass. When they show up up at Kyle Field on Thanksgiving Saturday, pound their ass!
Peace for Ukraine!
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monarch said:

Stupid; why are we running from the SEC and our buddies southwest of here? F++k em. Stands up to Fexas and wax their ass. You want more respect? Then WAX their ass. When they show up up at Kyle Field on Thanksgiving Saturday, pound their ass!
"Wax their ass"…….."pound their ass"……..

While these things might be something that most sips actually desire….yuck. Need vomit emoji.
Nino Brown
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Tu's biggest advantages over the years included; controlling every conference they've been apart of, being able to pay athletes under the table while turning in other schools to the NCAA and unlimited scholarships.

Now, with the NIL and being apart of a conference where you can't control everyone politically…..checkmate on following big brother to the SEC.
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Wrong use of words...
Peace for Ukraine!
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We've been here (SEC) and t.u. is the noob.

Elko and the Aggies are running the table this season. You heard it here first.

Look what he did with 2* and 3* players at Duke.

Defense will be stifling and in attack mode at all times. Our OL awakens from its long sleep.
Fins Up!
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I simply cannot imagine our leadership wanting to leave for the B1G, assuming they would want us, because tu is in the SEC. What cowards! Yeah, I know about the gentleman's agreement. But there is no way we didn't know about it. Leaving the SEC would be the dumbest, most idiotic action in the history of our school.

Could you imagine being in a conference with no regional adversaries, the closest conference mate being 1000 miles away. And half the league doesn't play baseball. That's an interest killer.

What I like about the SEC is how we fit in culturally and regionally. We are a southern school. How do we fit in with the Yankee schools up north? I believe that the end of lack of regional rivalries will ultimately be the downfall of interest in college sports for spread out leagues. tu is the school that is going to have a hard time fitting into the SEC. It'll actually be quite fun to watch them exert their arrogance.

I love playing all the schools in the SEC and I am absolutely so uninterested in playing a B1G schedule. And I am ready to buckle up and kick that t-sip butt. I couldn't care less about playing Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Purdue, Maryland, and Rutgers. Sure, a game with USC or Michigan would be fun. So let's play them OOC for two games and be done with it.

The SEC is where we belong and fit. The B1G would kill our programs. We don't belong there. I simply cannot fathom how some of yall are so butthurt about tu being in the SEC now that you want to pick up your toys and leave.

This just cannot be real.
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I think y'all are reading into this too much. That's a narrative created by the sips to try and make our fan base and school look weak and scared to play idiots in Austin. There is no truth behind it.

if it ever did happen, and A&M had success, guess who would be trying to follow us there? The same idiots that are following us right now, little brother.
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Fins Up!
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TyperWoods said:


B1G ready for what? That nooner with Northwestern?
Divining Rod
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yeah, i was going to ask whether the date has been set yet for our entry with Notre Dame.

Guarantee these discussions are being had, and it's no coincidence we hired a Big 10 AD.

Alberts may be the smartest thing we've done.
Fins Up!
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He's the dumbest person on the planet if he is trying to move us to the B1G. That move would be a program killer.

But it does cure the tu butt hurt, right?
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The SEC is where we belong and fit. The B1G would kill our programs. We don't belong there. I simply cannot fathom how some of yall are so butthurt about tu being in the SEC now that you want to pick up your toys and leave.

This just cannot be real.

It's not
Fins Up!
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Post not taken in proper context.

Sorry bud!
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We're not going anywhere and we'll shut the sips up and enjoy watching their tantrum. I predict sips inaugural SEC season will be a colossal fail. Football and baseball both. And it'll be sweet.
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You missed it - I agree 100% with you.

It's not a real thing, just something for tu to use to act like we are running away again.
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rockwalltxag said:

You missed it - I agree 100% with you.

It's not a real thing, just something for tu to use to act like we are running away again.

Its not a real thing but some dumb ags are pining for it and to your point, they play right into shorthorn fan hands.
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Ideal scenario is that sips get consistently curb stomped by the conference for a few years. Then, they leave to join the Big 20 or whatever they are.

They will claim it's a better academic or cultural fit, but everyone will know the true reason.
Sbisa Chef
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Humorous Username said:

OBJTEX said:

4 said:

OBJTEX said:

4 said:

Ragnar Danneskjoldd said:

we absolutely wasted it and couldnt capitalize. Standing there and taking it when the conference stabbed us in the back sucks too.

Dead on.

We just can't ever close the deal.

And we could have forever maintained an advantage by using our veto vote to not allow tu into the conference, but no. What do we do immediately after finding out that the conference and tu were negotiating in bad faith behind our backs? We kick rocks and say, "golly!", and go ahead and vote them in.

Our admin is such a bunch of nutless pansies.

Do you think tu would have given us their deciding vote if the shoe was on the other foot?

The vote would not have blocked them coming but we showed ourselves to be eunuchs by voting yes.

Unless I'm mistaken, the vote has to be unanimous among SEC members in order to offer membership to another school, in which case it would have blocked them.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on that point.

Also happy to be proven wrong but it took 75% as i recall. Sankey pressured us to make it unanimous.

You are correct. We would have needed three other schools to vote "no" with us.

In the end, I believe our leadership knew that texas was going to get in, and decided to trade a "yes" vote for the game to be played at Kyle instead of in Austin.
All so they can sell some more t-shirts! YAAAAYYY!
Thanks and Gig'em!
Fins Up!
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Sorry I missed your context.

Earlier comment deleted out of mutual respect.
Class of 65
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So is ut following us to the BIG 10?
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Humorous Username said:

A history lesson for some of the less-informed Aggies on why texas deserves to be doubted at all times.


R. Bowen Loftin became Texas A&M's interim president in 2009 and visited Dallas that year for the Big 12's conference board. He told ESPN's Wilson that was the first moment he realized who the boss was in their league.

"It was pretty clear how things worked," Loftin said. "One school was pretty much in charge of how the conference was going to go. [Then-Big 12 commissioner Dan] Beebe was clearly beholden to that school. That gave me pause."

It's been this way since the SWC days. Frankly, it not going to change and A&M will be tu's whipping boy again!! Let's see, think back a couple of weeks ago!! Wasn't tu involved in a screw job? Perfect example!!
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t.u. at one point in their big12 days played Kansas for 4 years and was at 0.500 for those 4 years.
Could not dominate Kansas in football but still got top 100 recruits, so as someone previously mentioned on this or another related thread - winning doesn't matter for recruiting in Bat City.

knock knock

who's there?

Another transplant from California....Where's a good place to get BBQ and a charge for my Tesla?
Buck Turgidson
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Humorous Username said:

JohnLA762 said:

Oh look, an article trying to convince people TESSUS is better than A&M…

Did you read the article?

I thought this was a good point for us.


The legacy of Texas A&M's first 12 years in the SEC alone won't be fully known until seeing how it fares in the conference the next 12 years with Texas. But Texas A&M bet on itself and the SEC as opposed to fighting an uphill battle toward independence in the Big 12. In the end, the Aggies proved to be on the right side of history.

"The greatest accomplishment that Texas A&M has achieved is that they, in essence, forced Texas to follow them into the SEC," ESPN commentator Paul Finebaum said. "And that's as convoluted as anything you've ever heard, but that's really why Texas decided to make that move, because they saw how much money A&M was making. They saw, recruiting-wise, they were doing so much better."

So, now back to that famous quote from Texas athletic director DeLoss Dodds. The one about not keeping up with the Joneses because Texas is the Joneses.

For once, the Joneses had to keep up with Texas A&M.

Still a backhanded compliment that starts from the assumption that Texas was somehow superior. **** that author sideways with a pineapple.
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