Have any of you ever quit a job and moved elsewhere? If so, did you let you current employer know there were changes you sought or did you just leave with no warning? People switch jobs all the time for a myriad of reasons.
College football is big business. It has the same loyalty component the rest of the working world has, very little.. Is Elko simply a greedy person for leaving Duke to come here? Or leave A&M to go to Duke a couple years ago?
What about guys like Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Bill Gates or Zuckerberg, who all quit their universities to seek fortune and fame, did they ruin the college experience? Did the somehow taint the proud institution of higher learning?
My whole family is Aggies and I wanted to go to Texas A&M since I was old enough think. I love Texas A&M and everything about it. It's the only place I applied and the only place I would have gone; however, if someone had come to me during my sophomore or junior year and said "we'll give you $1-million if you'll transfer to Texas Tech", I would have been there in a heartbeat. Hell, if somebody came to me right now and offered $1-million for me to wear Texas Tech gear for the next 4 years, I would do it.