Here's what I say team should eat before the college of Alabama game:
1. Dinner:
A. Liver and Onions- but the liver is air freighted in from fresh elk, killed by bow.
B. Side 1: Green Beans
C. Soup: Gumbo with Allen's field peas, okra, catfish, shrimp, white rice.
D. Cornbread: From the box.
C. Dessert 1: Sweet Bread but not the bread, the meat.
E. Dessert 2 Pumpkin pie- fresh.
F. Drink water
2. Gameday breakfast
A. Eggs cooked in the fat of the murdered Elk. No Sbisa army eggs, they have to be freshly stolen from the cloacas of hormone pumped hens.
B. Wheaties with Whole Milk- no 2%. Not organic. Again- hormone remnants are good.
C. Spinach
E. Black Coffee
3. Special course for our QB to up reaction times of brain:
A. 5 hour energy- extra strength
B. 10 mg Adderall w/ prescription.
C. Black coffee
4. Half time snack
A. More black coffee
B. McDonald's fried apple pie (not the baked one).
C. One dragon fruit, skinned.
D. Gatorade gum

1. Dinner:
A. Liver and Onions- but the liver is air freighted in from fresh elk, killed by bow.
B. Side 1: Green Beans
C. Soup: Gumbo with Allen's field peas, okra, catfish, shrimp, white rice.
D. Cornbread: From the box.
C. Dessert 1: Sweet Bread but not the bread, the meat.
E. Dessert 2 Pumpkin pie- fresh.
F. Drink water
2. Gameday breakfast
A. Eggs cooked in the fat of the murdered Elk. No Sbisa army eggs, they have to be freshly stolen from the cloacas of hormone pumped hens.
B. Wheaties with Whole Milk- no 2%. Not organic. Again- hormone remnants are good.
C. Spinach
E. Black Coffee
3. Special course for our QB to up reaction times of brain:
A. 5 hour energy- extra strength
B. 10 mg Adderall w/ prescription.
C. Black coffee
4. Half time snack
A. More black coffee
B. McDonald's fried apple pie (not the baked one).
C. One dragon fruit, skinned.
D. Gatorade gum