iisanaggie said:
I don't ike the booing but can tolerate more than the b.s. chanting. A&M has always been (or at least tried to be) a family friendly atmosphere.
iisanaggie said:
I don't ike the booing but can tolerate more than the b.s. chanting. A&M has always been (or at least tried to be) a family friendly atmosphere.
Wrangler said:
Small kids in the stands.
We're better than that.
aTmneal said:AgsStampede said:Mormon?aTmneal said:TRL-Ag said:iisanaggie said:
I don't ike the booing but can tolerate more than the b.s. chanting. A&M has always been (or at least tried to be) a family friendly atmosphere.
Maybe the current students are tired of the b.s. targeting calls we always seem to get. Ticky-tack b.s. needs to be called out. There's nothing intimidating about a "horse laugh" & kids hear worse on an almost daily basis
My kids don't.
No...just not trash that slings profanity around my kids and don't hang around people that do that either. I've never knowingly cussed around a kid even when I was one.
I'm not above it (as a matter of fact, I'm not proud of how foul my mouth is at work) and do so around certain adults that are comfortable with it and hold my tongue around those who aren't.
You know,..I'm polite and considerate of others, like people should be. It might be one of my only redeeming values but it's something I've always done and lived by.
Agsuffering@bulaw said:
That doesn't mean Kyle must replicate our declining civilization
DallasAg03 said:Agsuffering@bulaw said:
That doesn't mean Kyle must replicate our declining civilization
You should open a history book if you think we are declining.
DallasAg03 said:Wrangler said:
Small kids in the stands.
We're better than that.
stop bringing your snowflake to night games. it's not church
sportsfreak1975 said:DallasAg03 said:Wrangler said:
Small kids in the stands.
We're better than that.
stop bringing your snowflake to night games. it's not church
You're right. We should also start fights in the stands, start cussing people out in the concession lines, and start vandalizing opponent vehicles in the parking lots
too (total sarcasm in case you missed it).
I won't continue with any back and forth, just asking everyone to be respectful of others.
If you want cheerleaders go to a school that has them!!!!!. If you don't like what goes on here, take a hike, LEAVE, go to some P*ssy school. Leave A&M like it was for those who like it!FtBendTxAg said:
We need cheerleaders and need to boo more
if you don't to be nice, go 100 miles to the west, they'll accomdate you at tu!!!!!Ag86Hotard109 said:
I'm so tired of "be nice"....horses laugh etc.....boo call BS whatever you want to do....just freaking yell....get into the game....have some pride.
Yea, some low rate school like A&M at Kingsville. Things that players say to each other is one thing, a bunch oflittle boys and girls being vulgar in public is another!TXM Pride said:
I was texting with a few former players during the game and both of them separately said, thank god they didn't do that lame ass hissing.. and, I can't believe they actually said Bulls**t.. Everyone knows the hissing is lame as fk. All you nerds who think saying that is low class need to wake up and hop down off your high horse.
I was a ball boy for Texas A&M Kingsville back in the 90s when they used to obliterate teams. I was maybe 10 years old when I started.. I promise you the things players say to each other is exponentially worse. So lighten up Francis' and let's enjoy being good.
MagnumLoad said:
I have no problem calling bs bs. Those that do probably voted for joe
I believe the portion we play has the following lyricsSpyderman said:
Anyone seen the lyrics to our entrance song?