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Mond retweeted about Israeli Church group

24,416 Views | 129 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Law Hall 69-72
Tejas Ag 10
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Proposition Joe said:

I'm not going to take sides on whether Mond is right to be doing what he is doing or not.

But some of you acting like every re-tweet of something is an explicit endorsement of the feelings of the owner of the Twitter account that got re-tweeted are really stretching to make a point.

Most of you had zero idea who the "12 Tribes of Israel" were. You're looking to get offended. It's a fringe religious group that sometimes demeans other religions or races in the "name of religion" -- most of it isn't doesn't even rise to the level of what you read daily on the Politics forum or what you'd hear outside of earshot from "good Christian folk".

People have wacky ideas about their religious beliefs being correct and other's being wrong -- it's a story literally as old as time.
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I keep asking the same question to the Mond goalies and never get a reply.

Do you think a black person can be racist?
I talk to him when I am lonesome like; and I am sure he understands. When he looks at me so attentively, and gently licks my hands; then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes, but I never say naught thereat. For the good Lord knows I can buy more clothes, but never a friend like that. ~W. Dayton Wedgefarth
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RetiredpostalMarine said:

I keep asking the same question to the Mond goalies and never get a reply.

Do you think a black person can be racist?
I will up the ante.. does racism in any form, from any time - belong at Texas A&M University?


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Why can't you answer the question?

Instead of answering you ask another question.

I loathe any form of racism no matter where it is or who is responsible for it.
I talk to him when I am lonesome like; and I am sure he understands. When he looks at me so attentively, and gently licks my hands; then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes, but I never say naught thereat. For the good Lord knows I can buy more clothes, but never a friend like that. ~W. Dayton Wedgefarth
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The answer is obvious. Anyone can be a racist. Why would you think otherwise?

Now do us all a favor and post (or copy and paste) your definition of racism.

We agree that no form of racism (which many have stated quite clearly that statues are) belongs at Texas A&M - if it is not clear to you by now, then you have a bias, since I do not think you are indeed a racist.


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Wow. You couldn't look up the definition of Racist or Racism?

a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

As far as your other statement you should ask people who are influencing and supporting Mond and others. Like Roland Martin. He , and many others, have stated on numerous occasions that it is impossible for a black person to be a racist.

I talk to him when I am lonesome like; and I am sure he understands. When he looks at me so attentively, and gently licks my hands; then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes, but I never say naught thereat. For the good Lord knows I can buy more clothes, but never a friend like that. ~W. Dayton Wedgefarth
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RetiredpostalMarine said:

Wow. You couldn't look up the definition of Racist or Racism?

a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

As far as your other statement you should ask people who are influencing and supporting Mond and others. Like Roland Martin. He , and many others, have stated on numerous occasions that it is impossible for a black person to be a racist.

Well Roland is not here to give us his definition, but I'm sure he has one.

I don't think that people who are in favor of keeping the Sullivan Ross statue where it is - are racist. I do think that there is some level of bias, and by that I mean a romanticized (some would say sanitized) version of history.

What we are learning now (and it will only grow from here) is that Ross was a complicated man who on one hand led a fight as a General in the CSA to preserve the inhumanity that is slavery. One the other hand, he was a prominent leader in establishing higher education for black Texans. He should be remembered and have a statue at Texas A&M - for me it is just a matter of where. I would like to see a plan to add to our understanding of LSR before and after the Civil War (plaques, writings, quotes) - and put Rudder's statue there as well. Even Mr. Gaines should be prominent.

If I were Sharp and Young - this is a golden opportunity and not a time to draw a line in the sand.

C2 Ag 93
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Pablo - Do you honestly believe Black Lives Matter is solely about police brutality or even racial justice? Do you honestly believe this is some flowering movement we should all get behind in the holy name of social justice?

Read the "About Us" on the BLM website. Then come back and simply answer the two questions I've asked with a simple "Yes" or "No. Based on your exchange above, you won't be able to.
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C2 Ag 93 said:

Pablo - Do you honestly believe Black Lives Matter is solely about police brutality or even racial justice? Do you honestly believe this is some flowering movement we should all get behind in the holy name of social justice?

Read the "About Us" on the BLM website. Then come back and simply answer the two questions I've asked with a simple "Yes" or "No. Based on your exchange above, you won't be able to.
Solely - no.

But this is not just about BLM. This is a deeper reality that many on here, yourself included, choose to ignore and wish away. The history of OUR country is a troubled one and there is no way of denying that for many Americans of black and native decent - it was a brutal one. My people (half Irish, half Native) were decimated on two different continents. First the potato famine led my great-great grandfather to leave Ireland. On my mother's side, it was the war against western expansion that drove my ancestors (Lipan Apache) to the mountains in Mexico. It was as most modern historians have acknowledged - a clash between the Stone Age and the Industrial Revolution. We lost quite simply - and we have been trying to make up ground ever since. I embrace the American dream - hell I'm living it. But I see clearly not all of us have recovered. That is what is at the root of all of this systemic racism.

Just thought you'd like to know.
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The history of OUR country is a troubled one and there is no way of denying that for many Americans of black and native decent - it was a brutal one.
Pablo - I hate to break it to ya...but The history of OUR world is a troubled one and there is no way of denying that persons of ALL race, color, religion or creed can detail brutality at some point in their family history. NO ONE is exempt from any of this.

I can detail history of how my ancestors were persecuted, raped and murdered... but that has absolutely nothing to do with they way I feel about any race today, or how we should treat each other as fellow human beings today. Literally everyone in this Country can find a reason to be offended by something. Is that truly the way we want to live?
C2 Ag 93
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Pablo - Realist beat me to it.

The problem in your view is "victim mentality." That's what's fueling the paradox that "Black Lives Matter" is. It's a racist organization which by their own admission is dedicated to destroying western ideas of family and on Marxist ideals. And you seem to believe in their values.

200 years ago, Irish were "trash" and "minorities" in America. Study your history, many died working to build the transcontinental railroad. My Irish ancestors worked through it. Italians too. Grandfather came over in a family of 10 siblings from Sicily, dirt poor, and farmed strawberries. Of course, they didn't experience slavery, but am I "forever a victim" since they were peasants and considered minorities back then?

How about the Jews? Mostly white. Murdered throughout history. Yet 22% of Nobel Prizes have been awarded to Jews. Since you believe so much in "institutional racism," explain to me how Jews historically have excelled when given the chance yet so maligned in almost every culture they've lived in, to the point 6 million were mercilessly slaughtered at the hands of a regime that suppressed thought and dissension (as the shouts of racism is designed to do from the left).

Asian Americans by almost all metrics would be considered "more privileged" than whites in America (education, wealth, health, etc.). I suppose the historical injustices their ancestors experienced are, um, just an aberration?

Your narrative about historical injustices conferring permanent victim hood in modern America is ridiculous. Please stop insinuating I don't understand or think about how people today may "feel" bias, actually experience bias, etc. ALL RACES have had disadvantages and injustices against them, individually and corporately. We don't experience it the same way, but that doesn't make your views on it more or less righteous.

All.... lives... matter. To single out any race for more accolade or resources is... well... racist...
C2 Ag 93
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PS - Pablo... "Just thought you'd like to know..."

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I embrace the American dream - hell I'm living it. But I see clearly not all of us have recovered. That is what is at the root of all of this systemic racism.
Your first sentence disproves your last one. You could not have lived the American Dream if there was systemic racism.

Oprah, Jay-Z, Michael Jordan, Obama, Condaleeza Rice, Russell Wilson, Clarence Thomas - none of these could have succeeded like they did if there was systemic racism. These are each hard workers who decided that THEY controlled their future. The current movement and culture is to blame everyone else for my failures and expect everyone else to make me successful. That is the sickness that needs recovering - not the sins of American history.
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This program was made in 1985. Not only is is true today but for many things have worsened. The problem is not race it's poverty. It's not systemic racism it's institutional barriers to economic success.

The current movement doesn't begin to address solutions to the problem - it will continue to make it worse.

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Ags - I have a busy day today (work ya' know) however I have read each of your responses and am responding as follows:

1. "Victim Mentality" or "Pull yourself up"- please book mark that when you stand before God and he asks you about being your brother's keeper. Forget that if you don't believe in God and double down if you call yourself a Christian.

2. "Institutional Racism" - Its real, sorry, but dig deeper and cast your net on the "other side" as someone once said. Searching through conservative views (white, black, and others) only serves to push your head deeper into the sand and really - its as plain as the people in your own neck of the woods. I understand, however, that this search will make you feel uncomfortable. That is what I have come to believe is why many good people dig in. Great book recommendation, "White Fragility."

3. "American Dream" - I still believe in the inherent goodness that our country was founded on. I am also not naive to think that this dream is equally available to all. Want an example - public school funding. Let's just say that if you grow up in Lakeway TX, you have a better shot than if you grew up in South Texas on average. Thank you Robin Hood! It takes grit to make it -yes. I agree that many people from different cultures has made it and it boils down to this "grit." My mom had it. She raised my sister and myself working 2-3 jobs. She moved us away from the barrio (public housing) where she knew the teachers didn't care and put us in a predominantly white, affluent High School at the time (CC King). We made it out, in spite of the fact that we were poor and coming from a single parent household, never mind the fact - Hispanic. The numbers would have predicted otherwise. My sister is a Charge Nurse (Masters Degree) and I am an Architect.

I say this not to brag - no way. I say this because maybe you don't know too many people who have walked that walk. I can tell you we were blessed. Many people of all color, helped us - food pantry, second hand clothing, books, money, and most importantly - scholarships. I received the PAA (President's Achievement Award) on March 17, 1986. I remember because it was a bitter sweet day - my great grandmother had passed away and I had this wonderful news to share. Without that and the GI Bill - I am probably back at CC working on cars or electronics. I'm sure I would be happy - I didn't even know we were poor.

But - please believe me when I tell you - not all are as fortunate. And if you are a person of color - it IS harder - but not impossible.

Sorry to go on so long :-)


ps: this is a healthy conversation. Don't take it personal - but then again...
C2 Ag 93
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Pablo - First off, you sound like a great person. And I am a believer. I am not racist. And I will call out racism in all it's forms. Two points that I think explain why our conversation is not going well.

1 - Re-read your posts. They are patronizing and demeaning to those that have the opposite view of yours. Please don't use your faith to "cancel culture" with mine. Which leads me to my second point -

2 - No one is in disagreement with you that injustices and racism exists. It has existed since... the... dawn... of... time. The problem with the racism discourse in this country today is that it is founded on "feelings", not facts, and fueled by organizations with political agendas. THAT is the problem. The Nazis rose to power mainly on feelings. Black Lives Matter, which also welcomes the breakdown of traditional family structures and socialism, is doing the same, IMO.

We don't need to "cancel culture" to move forward and address REAL racism. THAT'S how we ACTUALLY end racism.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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I like Aggie football. This isn't it.
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So Gundy is forced to apologize for wearing a news network shirt while on a fishing trip, but an athlete can follow and re-tweet posts from a hate group? And all is good? Just wow....
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Can't everyone have an opinion? You may not like someone's opinion but they have a right to it. Just because someone does not think like you, it does not make them a lesser person and the object of personal attacks. Disagree and move on.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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Canvasback said:

Can't everyone have an opinion? You may not like someone's opinion but they have a right to it. Just because someone does not think like you, it does not make them a lesser person and the object of personal attacks. Disagree and move on.
You're missing the point of TexAgs.

It's Ok for US to not like YOUR OPINION, that's FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
It's OK for US to not like the NEW BREED OF STUDENTS at A&M, that's FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

When you have an opinion we don't like, YOU ARE A PROBLEM.
When your view of what A&M should be like now that you're there differs from our alabaster view of what it used to be like, YOU ARE STIRRING UP TROUBLE.

When you have an opinion that differs from the mass majority and you are a black quarterback, YOU ARE DISRESPECTFUL.

When we criticize the black quarterback for his opinion, that's FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

Hope that clears it up.
TX scallywAG
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It's freedom of speech...

... not exemption from consequence

The world seems to be have those intertwined.
Class of '10 - A&M Undergrad & Master's Alum
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MuckRaker96 said:

Canvasback said:

Can't everyone have an opinion? You may not like someone's opinion but they have a right to it. Just because someone does not think like you, it does not make them a lesser person and the object of personal attacks. Disagree and move on.
You're missing the point of TexAgs.

It's Ok for US to not like YOUR OPINION, that's FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
It's OK for US to not like the NEW BREED OF STUDENTS at A&M, that's FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

When you have an opinion we don't like, YOU ARE A PROBLEM.
When your view of what A&M should be like now that you're there differs from our alabaster view of what it used to be like, YOU ARE STIRRING UP TROUBLE.

When you have an opinion that differs from the mass majority and you are a black quarterback, YOU ARE DISRESPECTFUL.

When we criticize the black quarterback for his opinion, that's FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

Hope that clears it up.
When you are any color quarterback and you call those that have a different point of view from you racist YOU ARE DISRESPECTFUL.AND RACIST

When you attack the traditions this university was founded on and call the group that has supported you the most racist, without grounds YOU ARE DISRESPECTFUL AND RACIST

When you re-tweet a white hating religious group YOU ARE DISRESPECTFUL AND RACIST

S.A. Aggie
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C2 Ag 93}Him sharing a 12Tribes post is no different than a white QB sharing a KKK post.[/quote said:

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JohnSnow said:

Proposition Joe said:

I'm not going to take sides on whether Mond is right to be doing what he is doing or not.

But some of you acting like every re-tweet of something is an explicit endorsement of the feelings of the owner of the Twitter account that got re-tweeted are really stretching to make a point.

Most of you had zero idea who the "12 Tribes of Israel" were. You're looking to get offended. It's a fringe religious group that sometimes demeans other religions or races in the "name of religion" -- most of it isn't doesn't even rise to the level of what you read daily on the Politics forum or what you'd hear outside of earshot from "good Christian folk".

People have wacky ideas about their religious beliefs being correct and other's being wrong -- it's a story literally as old as time.
THIS... is, in every facet, about the closest anyone has ever to being 100% wrong.
Geriatric Punk
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It would be nice to see us have an epic run this season and make the Playoff. Mond get Heisman love, etc. Then, watch posters on threads like these choke on Mond's piece with adoration.
Life's an endless party, not a punch card.
Law Hall 69-72
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I don't care how successful the FB team is, my opinion of Mond won't change.
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