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Mond retweeted about Israeli Church group

24,419 Views | 129 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Law Hall 69-72
Charlie 31
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Mass Grave 3 of the Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp photographed by a British soldier after the camp's liberation in April 1945. Dr. Fritz Klein, a German doctor at the Camp, can be seen in the foreground standing amongst the corpses.

Kellen Mond, wake the hell up! Those who do not study and truly understand history are doomed to repeat it!!!
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RetiredpostalMarine said:

Are all prominent people one of the faces of our school? Are all prominent people trying make changes to our school? Are all prominent people insinuating that anyone who disagrees with him at A&M are Racist?

Let's say our starting QB was white and was re-tweeting things from a twitter page that hated blacks. I would hope everyone at A&M and across the country would be outraged.

Or wore an OAN shirt.....
Proposition Joe
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You guys do realize That 12Tribes and ICGJC aren't the exact same thing, right?

ICGJC is an extremist faction of Black Hebrew Israelites.

12Tribes from what I cant tell seems to align itself with IUIC, which from their website does not seem to espouse any "kill all whites and Jews" rhetoric. It's certainly not the most... "friendly" of people who don't espouse their same belief, but that's still a very large chasm between the two. There's no shortage of Christian and "white" factions that dangle closely to the same lines.

Is it something I would like to align with? Absolutely not. Is it something I like my quarterback aligning with? Nope.

But our quarterback following the twitter account is certainly not the same as following the KKK or a Nazi extremist twitter.

You guys are throwing around accusations of black supremacy about a kid without doing any significant bit of research because he hurt your feelings tweeting something about the corps.

And pictures of concentration camps? Posting that and somehow equating it so some 21 year old kid's retweet source is a thousand times more insulting to Jewish people than anything Kellen Mond has said.

Grow the eff up and quit being drama queens looking for more things to be aghast and insulted about.
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I talk to him when I am lonesome like; and I am sure he understands. When he looks at me so attentively, and gently licks my hands; then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes, but I never say naught thereat. For the good Lord knows I can buy more clothes, but never a friend like that. ~W. Dayton Wedgefarth
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But our quarterback following the twitter account is certainly not the same as following the KKK or a Nazi extremist twitter.
That's your opinion.
You're entitled to be wrong, just like Mond.
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Or wore an OAN shirt.....
A 1st amendment right ... unless somebody's feelings get hurt.
Do you believe for an instant that the same fake outrage would be promoted if it had been a CNN or CNBC shirt?
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Mond's labeling of people and groups racist was an act of hate. His retweets further spread the hatred of a racist group.

A&M deserves better than a person spewing hate and divisiveness.
C2 Ag 93
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You do realize you're blinding yourself to the obvious for your own agenda, right?


Please see the lower left of their website and notice the "Israel United In Christ"

Then please see the SPLC's website that lists IUIC as an extremist hate group.


Proposition Joe
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I have an agenda now?

I already said I don't like that he did it, but that's a big leap from him retweeting a 12Tribes tweet and him being a black supremacist.
C2 Ag 93
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Yes you do, since your earlier post is precisely wrong. 12 Tribes = ICIU. No difference. You used it to downplay the link I am making between Mond following the 12 Tribes and his re-tweeting Defund the Corps. I call out racism IN ALL IT'S FORMS. Don't care if you agree or not. On what basis does he believe the Corps needs to be defunded? I think the fact he follows black racist groups is very instructive as to his psychology.

What Mond is doing is no different than if a white QB said "defund Prairie View A&M" and then retweeted ANY post of white-based hate group.

You don't see it, because you don't want to see it.
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Shoefly! said:

This is a football forum what the hell the Israelites have to do with it?

Did you ever see Johnny part the Crimson Sea?
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This was supposed to be our season to win the championship. Everything was lining up. Even with COVID, we were looking fine and all was going in our favor.

Then this is happening.

Well, I was the first to break the news about the players getting involved in the BLM and demanding statues be removed and being led by a team leader.

The same source is telling me that the team is being divided by Mond and JF ain't doing crap about it. He's ignoring it or avoiding it. He refuses to address it honestly and head on and it's hard to blame him since he would be scrutinized.

Mond has divided the team and it's too personal to overlook from what i hear. Mond is going to get more sacks this year than any other year.

What a wasted opportunity. NFL teams will silently stay away from him in the high rounds as they see how much division and disdain he creates. He is killing his draft stock and our season.
Gig Em and God Bless America
Texas A&M National Champions in Football 1917, 1919, 1927, 1939, and 2012

SEC Proud!
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That is a damn shame and I feel bad for everyone involved.
I talk to him when I am lonesome like; and I am sure he understands. When he looks at me so attentively, and gently licks my hands; then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes, but I never say naught thereat. For the good Lord knows I can buy more clothes, but never a friend like that. ~W. Dayton Wedgefarth
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I don't think he had that much "draft stock" to begin with. He's simply not that good.
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VatoLocoAggie said:

This was supposed to be our season to win the championship. Everything was lining up. Even with COVID, we were looking fine and all was going in our favor.

Then this is happening.

Well, I was the first to break the news about the players getting involved in the BLM and demanding statues be removed and being led by a team leader.

The same source is telling me that the team is being divided by Mond and JF ain't doing crap about it. He's ignoring it or avoiding it. He refuses to address it honestly and head on and it's hard to blame him since he would be scrutinized.

Mond has divided the team and it's too personal to overlook from what i hear. Mond is going to get more sacks this year than any other year.

What a wasted opportunity. NFL teams will silently stay away from him in the high rounds as they see how much division and disdain he creates. He is killing his draft stock and our season.
Yeah it is a damn shame. Would be naive to think otherwise. Thanks for posting.
Amarillo Slim
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Its unfortunate. He had better have a Heisman season or risk going undrafted.
"Real happiness comes not from getting what we desire; but celebrating what we have."
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As long as mond starts and plays this season, I'm through With A&M football!!!! Call me what you want, I don't give a damned!! I grew up in College Station and have forgetten more about A&M than 90% of you. This is not my school any longer. I still wear the ring,"70. to show that I went THE Texas A&M, not some snowlake t.u. on the Brazos!
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I feel your frustration, but I dont know about that. Vegas has us 10/1 to win the SEC and projects us to win 9 games. A lot would have to break right for us to compete for a title.
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Mond must know he is dead to many, perhaps a majority, of Aggie FB fans. He continues to fire for effect. Hateful aggression and ignorance are bedfellows.
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Burdizzo said:

Shoefly! said:

This is a football forum what the hell the Israelites have to do with it?

Did you ever see Johnny part the Crimson Sea?
No ... but I saw the Aggies defeat the Crimson Tide under his leadership --- something that KM has yet to do.
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Agsuffering@bulaw said:

I feel your frustration, but I dont know about that. Vegas has us 10/1 to win the SEC and projects us to win 9 games. A lot would have to break right for us to compete for a title.

This is Texags, where our maroon colored glasses and kool-aid always help us think we're 3 wins better than we actually are.
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aeon-ag said:

As long as mond starts and plays this season, I'm through With A&M football!!!! Call me what you want, I don't give a damned!! I grew up in College Station and have forgetten more about A&M than 90% of you. This is not my school any longer. I still wear the ring,"70. to show that I went THE Texas A&M, not some snowlake t.u. on the Brazos!

My buds and I are right there with you. Season ticket holders and were 12th man and Former Student members. No more.

When the sheet hits the fan, and it will, going to be interesting to hear mond's retraction and "misunderstandings." I am sure he is being coached what to say right now. Too late. He has divided and damaged this University more than I ever thought possible.
Farmer @ Johnsongrass, TX
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ancientag67 said:

aeon-ag said:

As long as mond starts and plays this season, I'm through With A&M football!!!! Call me what you want, I don't give a damned!! I grew up in College Station and have forgetten more about A&M than 90% of you. This is not my school any longer. I still wear the ring,"70. to show that I went THE Texas A&M, not some snowlake t.u. on the Brazos!

My buds and I are right there with you. Season ticket holders and were 12th man and Former Student members. No more.

When the sheet hits the fan, and it will, going to be interesting to hear mond's retraction and "misunderstandings." I am sure he is being coached what to say right now. Too late. He has divided and damaged this University more than I ever thought possible.

Here you go...I'm with you.



You don't. He will bury himself. As the Hodge Twins say, "Only in America can you make yourself your own victim". Give it time, it's coming.

I am waiting for the biggest spin job yet to come. There will be a press article explaining how everyone misunderstood Kellen Mond and how he actually is entitled to a justice of righteousness and through his actions he has achieved this goal and "all" support him. He has shown his leadership on and off the field and Aggies everywhere should bow in his presence. He will become the choir boy you never heard of. Calling my shot.

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Time for the program to take a sabbatical. Cancel this season. Honor the scholarships for this year. Start with a team of scholar athletes next year, regardless of color. Make it a team we can be proud of, whether we win or lose. As it is, I hope we're offered a refund on season tickets No more 12th man donations for us.

Congratulations, Kellen the Program Killer.

p.s. I wanted him gone last year in the first quarter of the Clemson game.
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Mond needs to be off the team now.
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Ragnar Danneskjoldd said:

I dont know anything about the tweet or the group, but I do know the southern poverty law center is a disgraced hate group. I try to give a lot of grace to people citing movements, organizations, and groups that dont sound like what they are.

I don't think you understand the point. Think about it more.
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I hate most.white people too......lol, I hate people in general.
Ragnar Danneskjoldd
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Waltonloads08 said:

Ragnar Danneskjoldd said:

I dont know anything about the tweet or the group, but I do know the southern poverty law center is a disgraced hate group. I try to give a lot of grace to people citing movements, organizations, and groups that dont sound like what they are.

I don't think you understand the point. Think about it more.

I dont think you understand OP was repeating one disgraced hate group's messaging to point out that someone else was repeating a disgraced hate group's messaging. OP is guilty of the same thing Mond is. Both deserve the benefit of the doubt in that maybe they don't realize what they're sharing is from nefarious actors.
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No I wasn't. I simply copied what Wiki had on the Black Israelites. Now if you want to say Wiki is a hate group.....
I talk to him when I am lonesome like; and I am sure he understands. When he looks at me so attentively, and gently licks my hands; then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes, but I never say naught thereat. For the good Lord knows I can buy more clothes, but never a friend like that. ~W. Dayton Wedgefarth
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And I also provided other links besides Wiki in this thread along with a video.

Please continue with your goal tending for Mond.
I talk to him when I am lonesome like; and I am sure he understands. When he looks at me so attentively, and gently licks my hands; then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes, but I never say naught thereat. For the good Lord knows I can buy more clothes, but never a friend like that. ~W. Dayton Wedgefarth
Ragnar Danneskjoldd
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Please continue with your goal tending for Mond.

You serious? Ive made more posts critical of Mond in the last week than you have. You did the same thing Mond did, you fell victim to the same hysteria and stupidity he did. Just stop.
Tejas Ag 10
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hes retweeting the photo, do you really think he took the time to go research the group? No, he saw the photo and retweeted it because it was a powerful photo. Some of you need to chill the F out. The guy tweets and yall jump to get the pitchforks out. Goodness gracious
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Not even in the same Universe as what Mond did. You are making yourself look ignorant.
I talk to him when I am lonesome like; and I am sure he understands. When he looks at me so attentively, and gently licks my hands; then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes, but I never say naught thereat. For the good Lord knows I can buy more clothes, but never a friend like that. ~W. Dayton Wedgefarth
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