He was pardoned for his Confederate actions by the President of the United States. At that time. He was a friend of the leading Black Leaders at that time. He had public support from A & M and Prairie View at that time.
He had a statue because all the leaders at that time thought that he was an exceptional leader of A & M.
I was in the first class of students who enrolled in TAMU, in 1965. My fish old lady Died of Agent Orange due to his service in Vietnam. So did Butch Baldridge, a former Air Force CO, one of the top four Cadets in the Corps. And four others in that one outfit. One of the four fish that I had direct responsibility is now a Distinguished Graduate of A & M. I take it personal that Mond has trashed the record of those of us who embraced the Corps and wants to defund the Corps. There are far more of us who were in the Corps than in the Football Team.
Socialism is the worst form of economics, because it demands sacrifice without end.
It is also the most effective form of tyranny, because it demands sacrifice without end.