Sparkie said:
Mond is not a bad person
Are there stories of Mond giving back to the community that haven't been shared? Where are the stories about Mond volunteering with charities? Has he spent time with sick kids?
Has Mond done anything other than for himself while at A&M?
I don't think Mond is a bad person, but I do question his judgement from his likes and retweets of a known anti-Semitic group.
Why does Mond follow "The 12 Tribes of Israel". They are categorized as a hate group by the southern poverty law center standards. The (SPLC) described the ICGJC and other black supremacist Hebrew Israelite groups as "the extremist fringe" of the movement, "believing Jews are devilish impostors and ... openly condemn whites as evil personified, deserving only death or slavery".
Can you imagine the public outcry if a Caucasian student followed, liked and retweeted Posts from such a group?
Since Mond follows such a group, I question his judgment. I now also question if Mond truly wants equality for all races and religion.