I still have that machine somewhere
I thought we had the Tandy 1000 SXMouthBQ98 said:
Tandy 2000 80286! 4.7mhz, 16 bit! Upgraded from 512 to 640k Ram, and badass 16 color Ega graphics!
Same here, I think mine was 4K memory expandable to 6K?Lateralus Ag said:
Tandy TRS-80 CoCo.
Snap E Tom said:
Did any of you guys notch their floppies to use the other side?
Was that the Tandy or the Packard bell 286 we got later?MouthBQ98 said:
I am pretty sure we went from 512 to 640 at some point. I remember spending hours and hours mastering Chuck Yeager's air combat on it.
rodrigogzz said:
IBM PS/2 Model 25
videoag98 said:
Apple 2c