The Victory Eagle of Cain Park

This is the marble eagle from the sanctuary of Zeus:
Could we have been cultists all along?!
quote:Zeus doesnt always win, he wanted the Trojans to win the Trojan War. The Trojans even had the god of war and the goddess of the hunt. But ultimately he is King of the Gods, not omnipotent author of outcomes. Kings sometimes lose. America was founded on such.
Why haven't we won an MNC if he's a fan?
quote:I already admit we're a cult. So, yes?
Could we have been cultists all along?!
quote:quote:I already admit we're a cult. So, yes?
Could we have been cultists all along?!
quote:Oh Hera's cvnt!
Odin is getting pissed at this thread.
There is but one God, and He loves the Aggies.
I guess God hated us during fran and granpa's time.
Fortunately with KDS, we know he won't go back.
Why would god give a damn about who wins a football game? Especially one where both teams are predominantly Christian?