Even in the leanest of times, we can always count on volleyball shorts to get us through the drought.
I took home worse than that from the Chicken the night I got 2/3rds" ID taken up because it wasn"t me!!!
quote:The first thing I saw was third row, 4th chick.
It used to be that lower tiered colleges were a haven of girls who never tried hard in HS but skated by on their looks....how times have changed.
Super bummed we didn"t get to hear BBAs opinion on the original chicks phat ass.
I found this:
The mixed chick aint bad...well not as bad as the mole (wo)man.
quote:After seeing this I think a shut-out is in order. C"mon son, they practice on a field that only has 90 yards.
i am married to a beaumont woman and i like them in general but this thread sucks. those women are a bunch of dogs.
3, 1, 2
3, 1, 2
2,1,3 for me
quote:On the Richter Scale?quote:Zoo can we get a ruling #5 or #6?
1 outta 6 aint good enough for Meatloaf
3, 1, 2
2,1,3 for me
Same here, but slim pickins. And thats saying alot cuz I'd pretty **** anybody.
I took home worse than that from the Chicken the night I got 2/3rds" ID taken up because it wasn"t me!!!
I forgot about that! Haha! Just glad you didn"t get your Marine Corps contract screwed up. If you didn"t have to stand in front of Don in those days and say "yessir, nosir, yessir" for 15 minutes you were doing it wrong!
I assume that the lunch truck just arrived and is parked behind the person taking the picture?
quote:Looks like his legs are shopped, actually.quote:
Dude's got some type of palsy. What's up with his right foot? You think he can rotate it all the way around like an owl's head? That would be cool.