RetiredAg doesn't vote because he doesn't like Democracy.
Well, you are right in that I don't like democracy. Democracy is nothing more than mob rule. Then again, 'merka isn't a democracy, so I'm not sure why that's relevant. I don't vote because I believe it is immoral. I do not believe I have the right to rule over you, nor do I have the right to appoint someone to rule over you.
He just lives in America and leeches off of all of the freedoms that Democracy and the country which he loathes, gives him.
You do realize, sweetheart, that freedom and our natural rights do not come from government. The fact that you believe these are merely gifts given to us by our benevolent masters speaks volumes.
Which is absolutely his right, but it makes him a pathetic American, as stated on another thread.
I don't care if you think I'm a pathetic American. I do not draw any sense of pride from being born within a certain set of imaginary lines on a map. Calling me a "pathetic American" means nothing to me.