Building a tower with the Reveille graves on top so they can see the big screen?
quote:Bravo, sir.
Building a tower with the Reveille graves on top so they can see the big screen?
At 35 posts I think. Nice pics
what the hell is that?
Looks like a pergola and outside kitchen
At 35 posts I think. Nice pics
what the hell is that?
tribute column memorial in front of the Rev graves and scoreboard.
quote:Apple store. Instead of glass...ALL CMU. ***THUNDEROUS FORCED EMPLOYEE APPLAUSE***quote:
At 35 posts I think. Nice pics
what the hell is that?
It's Jason Cook's future lair.
So these will be "Aggie Tribute Columns" from that PDF. Interesting.
You can already tell the Aggie Tribute Columns looks piecemealed and asymmetrical.
Two separate columns for Heisman Trophy winners and championship seems a little extraneous, dontchathink? Going to be a lot of real estate on those.
quote:OMG block ATM is UPSIDE DOWN.
For those too lazy to look at a PDF (so, all of you).
quote:Look how small they columns are compared to the stadium. They're no taller than the trees their planting alongside them.
These collums are stupid. Are there seriously going to be giant ass collums right in front of our brand new $450 million dollar stadium?
I honestly thing this is the first thing I've complained about, but I think this is a stupid idea
These collums are stupid. Are there seriously going to be giant ass collums right in front of our brand new $450 million dollar stadium?
I honestly thing this is the first thing I've complained about, but I think this is a stupid idea
For those too lazy to look at a PDF (so, all of you).